Part 7 || Bored

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Isco: Is anyone else bored or is it just me?

Martin: I'm bored!

Cristiano: Stay out of this, Martin. Men are talking.

Martin: Actually it's a man and Isco talking.

Isco: Heyyyy :(

Cristiano: Lol! Burn!

Isco: Martin can you leave?

Martin: Nope.

Cristiano: Let him stay. Maybe he can help burn the others.

Isco: You're going to set the others on fire? ⊙.⊙

Martin: *face plaming* Isco, are naturally stupid or do you play dumb?

Martin: I think you should leave.

Isco: Fine. I'll go play FIFA.

Dani: I wanna play FIFA!

Isco: Everyone can come, except Cris and Martin.

Cristiano: Then I'll just have Martin come over and play FIFA at MY house.

Martin: I'll be there in a minute.

Cristiano: And we'll have a better time, because you people are boring.

Cristiano: Martin is already at my door. How is he that fast?!

Martin: I live on the same street as you.

Cristiano: Oh! Right.

Pepe: Sorry Isco, but we're not coming.

Isco: But whyyyyyy?!

Sergio: We have lives, y'know.

Cristiano: FIFA @ my house with Martin.

Martin: lol bye!

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