➳ Desensitized

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❝Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.❞

I'd imagine if anyone asked me why I was depressed (if anyone knew that is) the answer would be ordinary

Because although having no friends and parents that just don't care depresses me,

What saddens me more is how there are tragedies surrounding us everywhere

It's as if everyone's pain is demanding to be felt by me and only me

As if I was responsible for everything bad that was happening

As if everyone in the world is desensitized and somehow this disease has spared me its grip

But if this "disease" is so terrible, then why is everyone embracing it as if it was some type of new drug?

Why does everyone think that if they show emotions they will get destroyed?

Do they think that somehow being compassionate will start World War 3? Oh the horror of emotions.

So the reason why I'm depressed is that whenever I say I want world peace, everyone replies by telling me I should stop being so childish.

That I should just grow up.

As if children are the only ones permitted to show emotions.

As if we've all become psychopaths (at lease they have an excuse for their lack of emotions) to the point where happiness and sympathy are extinct feelings

So this is why. And I know that this is pretty pathetic. But then again, how would anyone know if something is pathetic if they can't feel anything?



Hi everyone,

Thanks for reading this. Now this is different than what I usually write but this has been on my mind for the longest time ever and I finally found a way to put it down in words.

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