➳ Diagnosis: Dead

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You're not insane unless you're diagnosed
Depression, anxiety, you might've overdosed
These scars and pills and nightmares hidden under pillows
Won't scare me too much, they're only fragmented shadows

You throw up, break down
Quick! Don't let them see you around
You pant as you run as your scratches turn to scars
And as your scars turn to a monster, maybe as large as Mars

You're not broken, just scarred
You need a doctor to tell if your brain is marred, heart jarred
You cannot be depressed, I once saw you smile!
Or was that because you knew you'd die in a while?

Don't tell me it's real, it's the attention you want
Skin deep scars just because of a taunt
Rain drops turn to tear drops turn to blood- drops?
They flow and flow as your heart stops

I won't say I'm sorry, in fact, you should!
Look around you at this mess of a neighborhood
No one wants to come here, they say it is tainted by the blood
Of an aching soldier who was simply misunderstood

The proof was all they wanted
And this lifeless body is what they have been granted
Is that enough proof for you?
The skin blue, heart too, only for you to see our pain was true

This is a rap/song/poem thing. I don't know honestly.

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