➳ AM

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we sit on rooftops at three am

pretending to be a little less broken than we really are

our restless minds buzz as the silence between us persists

we are full of despised despair

there seems to be some mutual understandings

of our want to be enveloped in darkness

and the need of a feeling that's somewhat different-


we fumble and whisper as the thoughts on our minds take control

our own bodies surrendering to their owners with no objections

we seem to suffocate on the one thing that's keeping us alive:

the poisoned atmosphere

there are lights in the distance

and we are not sure if they are blurred because we're far away

or if it's because the world has finally spun out of our grasps

we sit still waiting, as if the answer will land in our palms

(it won't.)

the lights ahead are nothing but fragments

bits and pieces intertwining to represent the childhoods and futures

we tried so hard not to think about

though it does not seem to work

the gleaming stars seem to come closer and closer

and we all finally acknowledge each other's presence,

not because we want to,

but because we want to remember

we swim in darkness with a hint of light at four am

our hearts a little more fragile than what they had initially been

our minds seem to slow and one thought sinks between us

we are ephemeral pieces in an eternal world


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