➳ Blind

105 13 9

We humans are a lot of things

And one of those things, is blind

We choose to close our eyes and pretend everything is alright

Or better yet, we justify everything to assure ourselves that everything is perfect

As long as we understand everything, and the world "seems" perfect, we become happy

And it's messed up how if someone decided to lift off the veil and see the reality

Everyone suddenly attacks that person with their explanations and with accusations of being abnormal

As if choosing to tell the difference between reality and fantasy was a crime

That's why I don't ever point out the things we turn a blind eye to

Because if I did I'd get a lot of people trying to convert me to their ways

Trying to convince me how walking past a person begging for money is alright

Because they "might" be drug dealers

Or how world hunger will never end

Because there are just too many people on this earth

Now the list can go on and on

Quite frankly, I don't think it'll ever end

Because as complicated humans seem, we really all strive to do one thing

To be happy

And if in order to become happy we need to first become blind

Then we will do it

Because we are simple creatures really

We only want blindness for happiness

It seems like a fair trade to many

But not to me

Not to me


I feel like this is more of a speech rather than a poem but I like it so oh well. Oh and also I dedicated this poem/mini speech to serventeur because that's who made the awesome cover! Thank you :)

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