➳ Sickness

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You nod your head and pretend you understand

You pretend you know my story

I want to make sure you heard me right 

and so I repeat:

"I'm sick,"

This time, it hangs in the air

it's heavier than the first time

holding a different kind of meaning 

both to me and you

You then freeze

and look me in the eye

You ask me:

"With what?"

I wanted to answer

But my mouth refused to let me

I guess it knew you would leave

and let me deal with everything on my own

so I tell you to forget about it 

because my sickness is anything but physical 

and it's too strange for you to understand 

it's too unconventional for you to stay

and that's all i wanted really, 

for you to stay by my side

but I guess we can't always get what we want

For some unknown reason, 

the universe just works that way

You plead to get your wish

and when you do, 

it seems to slip right out of your fingers

like a beautiful ring that was worn everyday 

but was eventually lost 

your hands still crave for the ring

no matter how much you convince yourself 

that it's gone

and I guess you were the ring

because although you left me alone that day

my heart still craves for you 

it's a sickness, really


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