➳ Corrupt

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Outside, the sky turned dark

So dark, that it began resembling the hearts of those who live underneath it

They all speculated,

Wondering if that day would be their last

In a sense, they were right.

The merging black clouds up above, were their innermost thoughts.

At least, that's what some of them claim.

Eventually, the darkness would take over them to cause a downpour

Or maybe something even larger,

                                                                            their downfall

Up until then, they had not realized what their hearts

Looked like

The sky made sure they find out

As they talked at the once blue and white canvas

That somehow changed to reflect their hearts

Though it must be said, some of the clouds were

brighter than the others, lighter

These lonely clouds were the hope everyone else had left

They were the brightest parts of everyone

The determination, the hope, the happiness

And just as they all believed they were coming to an end

Another bright cloud appeared

Maybe they would stay

                                             alive after all.


I wrote this one in less than three minutes and I have no idea where it came from, but here it is anyway.

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