»Too shy to even tell you {Haruka x reader}

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Here's my first one! I hope you enjoy this!


There it was again. These feelings I keep getting towards (y/n). I can't look at her with out getting all mushy and lovey dovey. I don't know what it is but, I can't look at her with out blushing or getting all jittery about her. And the worst part is I can't even tell her I like her.

I slam my hand against the dirt ground, and startled the sleeping cats next to me.

"Oh sorry." i mumble. I sigh and walk back inside. And i begin to think 'what was is it, that made me get butterflies in my stomach?' Was it her smile? Her laugh? I place my hand on my chin and begin to get lost in thought.

* time skip brought to you by water-chan~*

I sat on top of the school roof with makoto, nagisa and rei. We all sat together eating lunch, and talking about the swim club.

" so," nagisa began. " I've heard that you like (y/n)-chan! Haru-chan!" he exclaimed. I was startled at his sudden outburst. Plus, how did he know? " is this true Haruka senpai?" rei questioned. I started getting nervous, "W-well-" "Of course he does! I mean have you seen how he looks at her?" nagisa interrupted. "now, now nagisa-kun, how would you know? Have you been stalking haru?" makoto asked. We all stared at him intently, " well, i wouldn't call it ' stalking' , but when i was going to class i saw haru look at (y/n)-chan alot, like he was undressing her with his eyes." he said wiggling his eyebrows. I face palmed and blushed. 'oh god' i thought.

"See! He likes her!" nagisa pointed out. "This is new, haru-chan! Since when did you like (y/n)-chan?" nagisa asked. I felt like i was being interrogated. "Well we've known her since elementary school." makoto thought. "That's a long time, haruka senpai. Why don't you just ask her out?" rei asked. " i would but, i can't. I don't have the guts to do it." i replied grimly.

As we thought about it we heard the door open. And there it was. The signature (h/l), (h/c) hair. I felt a small blush form on my face. I turned away from embarrassment. "Oh, there you are!" i heard her say. I turn back around to see her right next to me. I tensed at the feeling.

" hi (y/n)-chan! We were just talking about yo-" nagisa blurted out, but rei successfully covered his mouth with his hand. "Yogurts. We were talking about yogurt. And how they don't benefit us." rei explained." (y/n)-san, if you don't mind me asking," he said as he paused. 'please, dont ask her rei.please, dont ask her-' " what is your opinion on yogurt?" i frowned as his question. But shook it off anyways. " well, i like frozen yogurt, but not regular yogurt." she said.

"anyways, Gou asked me to tell you guys that you guys will have a new training regiment." she added. "Oh thanks for telling us (y/n)-chan." makoto thanked. "No problem, see you guys at practice!" she said and waved goodbye and left.

"That was close." makoto sighed in relief. "What were you thinking nagisa!" rei scolded at him. "Oops. Gomen haru." nagisa apologized. "Its whatever." i sighed. "But hey, you can take her on a frozen yogurt date now haru!" nagisa cheered. Rei and makoto agreed as well. I huffed and planned that i would ask her out on a date.

*time skip brought to you by your otp~*

I was on my third lap of free style, when i saw (y/n) on the small bleachers reading a book on how to swim. I stopped and got out the water and walked to her. She looked up and smiled. "Mind if i sit next to you?" i asked. "No not at all." she grinned. I saw a small blush tinted on her cheeks. "Oh here, i got you a towel."she said and handed me a towel. I thanked her and started drying my hair.

"So, what are you reading about?" i ask. My question seemed to startle her, because she almost dropped the book. "E-eh? I-im not r-reading anything!" she exclaimed. She hid the book behind her back. "Come on, let me see what you're reading." i pleaded. "N-No. Its e-embarrassing." she murmured. "I won't judge you. I promise." i assured. "Pinky promise?" she asked, as she held up her pinky finger. "Pinky promise." i replied and wrapped my pinky around hers. She took out the book hidden behind her back and handed it to me. 'swimming 101' it was titled. "The biggest irony in my life." she laughed wearily. I flipped through the pages. And closed the book. I put it aside and spoke, "you don't need a dumb book to learn how to swim. I can show you if you want." i offerd.

"Really?" she asked. I looked at her and saw hope glimmer in her eyes. "I mean if it isn't a bother to you haru." i shook my head. "No its alright. We can talk about it over some frozen yogurt if you want tomorrow." i asked.

"That sounds great!" she exasperated. She hugged me. I tensed, and hugged her back slowly. I blushed. "Thank you haru. I really appreciate it." she murmured into my shoulder. I had small smiled planted on my face. She pulled away. "So its gonna be like a date? Right?" she inquired. "Y-yeah you can say it that way if you want." i said shyly. "I'll pick you up at four?" i asked. She nodded and handed me a piece of paper, "theres my number, and my address.i guess I'll see you tomorrow?" she questioned. "Yeah. Have a safe walk back home." i said and waved goodbye as i headed to the locker room.

As i walked in i saw the guys with shit eating grin on their faces. "So how did it go haru?" nagisa asked. "It went well i guess. I even got her number and a date with her tomorrow." i said as i rubbed the back of my neck. "Very smooth haruka senpai." rei commented. "Tch, i could've done better." i remarked. "Don't be like that haru, atleast you got a date with her i mean, you even got her number!" makoto exclaimed. "I guess, i just wish i was abit more laid back about it." i mumble. Makoto just gave me a weak smile and fist bumped me. "Come on, let's go get changed, and we'll help you out on your date." he explained. I nodded.


As we walked outside of the school, we planned on how the date should go. "Ooo, haru pay for all the expenses! All guys do that to win a girls heart!" nagisa suggested. "I just hope the frozen yogurt isn't expensive." i mumble. They just gave me a weak chuckle. "But just go with the flow of your own rhythm if you want haru." makoto commented. "Oooh yeah be free!" nagisa added. I nodded taking that suggestion as the best one. "Ah young love. Its very beautiful." rei said. "You sound like an old man rei." nagisa joked. I smiled a little bit and kept talking to them until we parted ways. They all wished me good luck and left.


Should i make a part two for you guys? Maybe even a part three? Anyways thanks for reading this and leave suggestions in the comments and don't forget to vote too!


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