»Triumph {Kisumi x Reader} part 2

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a part two for ONI-CHAAANN!!

hope you'll enjoy!


After kisumi's confession, the rumors spread around the school like wildfire.


You had no clue.

You walked around the school, receiving glares from all of his fangirls, and truly it annoyed you.

Take this for an example, you got to class and there was a note on your desk.

It read: You better break it with our precious kisumi-kun. You don't deserve him.

You were scared for your life, but then slowly you became annoyed. You couldn't do anything without being told that you couldn't be with him.

You decided to confront kisumi about it, because damn, it was getting old.

You waited patiently for kisumi on the roof of the school ready to tell him that he needs to control his damn fan girls.

"Ohayo (y/n)-chan!~" he smiled as he walked over to you.

"Hey kisumi."

"Sooooo what's up (y/n)-chan?" He quirked.

You pompously put your hands to your hips and raised and eyebrow.

"You need to tell your fangirls to chill. Like seriously, they give me death threats, and I mean death threats." You groaned and the end.

He grew pale and shook in fear.

"Wha-what? Wh-why?" He squeaked.

You shrugged your shoulders.

He walked over to you and gave you a tight hug, and buried his head into the crook of your neck.

"I'll tell them, don't worry. I don't wanna lose my (y/n)-chan."

You smiled sweetly, and hugged him back.

It's about time kisumi, how did you not notice?

~time skip~

Kisumi brought you out to his fangirls, and you received cold glares from them, which made you shiver.

"Ehm. So, as I've recently heard, that you've been harassing my poor (y/n)-chan. I don't like that. At all." He grunted.

Then he pointed at you and began to smile widely.

"(Y/n)-chan is the best. Ok? She does her homework, helps out other people, shit she even helps me out sometimes. But that doesn't mean she deserves hate. Please respect her and my decision."

They stayed quite, and nodded stubbornly.

He smiled in triumph knowing that they have treat his precious (y/n)-chan, like they treat him.


Don't really like this one but whatever.

Whoop whoop.

Sorry this was hella late but hey here it is.




if you guys enjoyed this chap, give it a vote comment some stuff idk.

I'm still working on other requests, so don't worry yours is on the way. And if you want you can request as well.

Thanks for reading this chaptah and I'll see you next time!


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