»Fireworks. {Nitori x reader}

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Finally! The nitori chaptah you've all, I hope???? Been waiting for????


As you walk with your older brother sousuke to the quad, to see a firework show that was gonna be held, you hear light feet running behind you.

"And then I was like-"

"Wait! Sousuke who's behind us?" You interrupt, he looks behind you and see's nitori. He smiles and laughs.

"It's just nitori."

You turn around and see nitori panting with a small blush tinted on his pale cheeks.

"Oh hey nitori! How's it going?" You ask cheerfully.

He scratches his cheek bashfully and stutters.

"I-i've been ok, can I accompany you guys to the quad?" He asked shyly. Sousuke signaled him to follow and he quickly walked next to you.

It was a bit awkward having nitori along with you and sousuke. He would fidget around and look down on the ground.

When you would ask him a question, he would stutter really bad and then apologize and then say nothing.

You would pout and look at sousuke for an answer.

All he would do is shrug and mouth.

"I don't know sis. Sorry."

Soon enough, you had arrived at the quad and looked for Rin and Gou.

You took a seat on the grass and waited for sousuke who said he was gonna go look for them.

You waited patiently and see a bunch of boys just walking around chattering, as the sun settled and made a pinkish purple horizon.

You smiled and hugged your knees.

You feel a tap on your shoulder, scaring you slightly and see nitori with a big blush covering his face.

"M-may I take a seat next to you?" He asked. You nodded and smiled. He sat down and then took out two sparklers and showed them to you.

"I bought some and I was hoping you would want one, do you want one (y/n)?" He asked as he held one out for you to take hold of.

You grinned and thanked him.

He pulled out a match box and struck a match and lit both of the sparklers and held it away at a safe distance.

"Sparklers are pretty, aren't they nitori?" You pondered. You looked and the sparkling firework and admired the white sparks that flew off of it.

"Yeah, just like you."

Nitori freezes as he heard the words that poorer out of his mouth, he was about to apologize but your cute laugh cut him off.

"Thanks nitori. That's really sweet of you."

He blushed as you looked at him sweetly and you closed the gap in between you two and gave him a soft kiss on his lips.

He felt fireworks go off his heart and his whole body.

And you felt the same as well.


Heeeyyy! Here's another one!

But anyways Happy 4th of July! That's if you live in America and if not, well then happy Monday!

I hope you enjoyed it, and if you did please give it a vote and comment some requests!


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