»Boredom {Seijurro x reader}

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Hey hey here's one about seijurro! Hope you guys enjoy!

Requested by: @5yen4yato


You walked to seijurro's dorm on a Saturday afternoon, you knocked on his door lightly and see the door open to still sleepy seijurro.

"What's up (y/n)-chan? Its like 10 in the morning." He scratched the top of his messy bed head hair.

You frowned, "uh, seijurro its like 3 in the afternoon. Did you get any sleep last night?"

He turned around to look at his clock.


His eyes widen, as he remembered he went to sleep around three in the morning. He laughed with a small blush tinted on his cheeks.

"Oh yeah, I went to sleep around 3 last night." He chuckled.

You punched his arm softly.

"You're such a tall dork sei." You teased. He grabbed your arm gently and brought you inside.

You skipped over to his bed and plopped down on the comfortable material. Seijurro walked over to you and sat down on the floor with his legs crossed.

You scooted over more to the edge and placed your hand on your head and leaned on the bed.

You both smiled at each other and enjoyed the silence. He leaned in and gave you a kiss on your nose.

"Why aren't you sitting on the bed with me?"

"I want to see you from a small distance, not next to you but in front of me." He chimed.

You blushed and chuckled at his 'poetic' language. You ruffled his flaming orange hair and smiled.

"So what kept you up at three in the morning sei?" You asked teasingly. You knew he was up from the swim practices and work from school.

But you did it for the shits and giggles anyways.

"Well, I was busy making training regiments for the team, you know? Something that could help and benefit all of us. Then I had a project due for science, and I had to finish my essay." He said with an airy laugh.

"ah, i see. Have you finished your essay by the way?" you asked. you didnt want to be wasting his time, when he could be doing his work.

"almost. i need like one more paragraph." he stood up and grabbed the sheets of paper off his desk.

you took them from his hand and read the title,

"the branches of psychology"

" i didn't know you had psychology for an elective sei." you wondered. you liked the subject but it wasn't in your best of best interests.

"Yeah, I plan on majoring in after high school. Its an easy subject for me." He said laughing a bit.

You nodded. You wondered what subject you wanted to major in.

"What do you plan on majoring in (y/n)?" He asked.

"I honestly don't even know yet." You said truthfully. You scooted a bit over and patted a spot next to seijurro.

He accepted and sat next to you. He slung an arm around you and pulled you close. You leaned on his shoulder and sighed.

You were a bit bored and you didn't know what to do. You don't even remember what you came here for.

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