»Modern Picasso {Sousuke x Artistic! Reader}

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Requested by: Daisukiiii



As you did your freestyle art at an art festival, you felt a pair of eyes bore into the back of your head. You set down your paintbrush, and stretched and relieved the growing cramps on your triceps.

You sigh and turn around and see the pair of eyes staring right at you.

Teal and intimidating.

You frown and roll your eyes.

"What? Are you here to critique my work heavily like the others?" You sassed, he stood silently with the same stoic expression.

"Well if you are you should piss-"

"I'm actually admiring it." He stopped you halfway, and gave you a smirk. You raised an eyebrow and smiled bitterly.

"Really?" You had a small spark of hope that he wasn't being rude and accusing you of copying other people's art style.

"Really." He admitted. You gave him a small smile, and bowed slightly.

"Thank you." You blushed, as you mentally recalled his handsome facial features. You stood back up and walked over to him.

"What'd make you like it?" You questioned. He laughed and scratched the back of his neck.

"The creativeness and innovation. Like you put your emotions in to a large canvas and created some kind of dogma that everyone should follow." He spoke, his eyes glistened with aspirations as if trying to achieve a level of luminosity.

Your mouth opened in shock.

You felt like he understood you.

As if you've known each other for a very long time.

He stuffed his hands into his front pockets, and smiled.

"Teach me-" You seemed confused at his request, it seemed odd. You didn't know what he was even asking for.

"Teach me how to paint."

Your eyes widen as you understood what he finally meant.

You smirked turned back around to finish your painting.

"Meet me here everyday at 3 pm sharp, got it?" You told him.

"Yes ma'am." You could see the smile on his face and you stroked your paintbrush swiftly, with out seeing his face.

*Time skip~*

As you promised, he showed up everyday. He was quite the quick learner you could say.

Which was a bit of an understatement.

Within an hour of teaching him how to draw a simple face, he drew them with almost realistic features.

And as days went by he grew better and better.

Almost as good as you.

You taught him how to blend colors properly, and he understood quickly. He developed his own art style within a few days.

One day, as you both sat on the grass you spoke and broke the silence.

"Why ask me how to paint if you clearly have the skills to do it?" He looked up and scrunched his eyebrows together.

"Um, what do you mean?" He seemed really confused at your question. You laugh lightly and shook your head.

As hours went on, you finally stood up and dusted your pants. You sighed happily and held out your hand to shake.

"I don't even know your name, but it was a pleasure showing you how to draw and paint." You smiled cheerfully.

"For starters, its Yamazaki Sousuke. And thank you for teaching me your ways um... " He bowed in respect as he truly appreciated your small lessons He thanked you as well as he tried to guess your name.

"(L/n) (Y/n)." You smiled, he shook your hand.

"I'll see you next festival then (y/n)!" He jogged away and waved his hand and smiled. You waved back and sighed happily.

You fallen for the man, and now you'll never see him again.

Or so you thought.

*Time skip~*

As months went by, you had completely forgotten about the boy. Currently, you were walking around at the art festival in the evening.

You looked around and saw a huge group of people crowding a large canvas. You were curious about what was going on and went on over to see what the commotion was all about.

You made your way to the front, you gasped in shock as your arms dropped to your sides.

It was a painting of you.

You look over and see the man whom you taught how paint.

It was sousuke yamazaki.

He smirked and pulled you out of the crowd and hugged you tightly. You blushed heavily at his kind actions and looked up to see him smiling proudly.

You take another look at the painting and see how beautiful he made you look.

"Why'd you make me look so pretty, I don't even look like that at all." You frowned slightly.

He smiled at you lovingly.

"That's because that's the way I see you. Beautiful and amazing." He confessed. You could've sworn you would've fainted right then and there but you didn't.

"Wha-" he kissed your lips passionately. You kissed back and wrapped your arms around his neck.

He took your hands and leaned his forehead against yours and gave you a small smile.

"Go out with me?"

"Yes, you modern Picasso."


I'm sorry that this late you guys, as I said before I have swim practice and it takes up a lot of my time.

Not to mention our bus crashed with another car today :))))))) *sarcasm*.

We're all fine and dandy but we have meet tomorrow and I don't come home until like 10:30 at night.

But whatevs.

Anyways, if you enjoyed the chapter please give it a vote and don't hesitate to request!

See you guys next time!



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