» I Miss You. {Rin x Reader}

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Here's the 50K special!

Important news at the end!





Who knew that a simple love relationship like yours and rin's could be forbidden.

Hello there,
The angel from my nightmare,

Its not some Romeo and Juliet kind of shit. More like, he's moving back to Japan kind of shit.

So what if he's moving back? It didn't matter to you and rin. But then again if was young lovey dovey 8 year old love life.

The shadow in the background of the morgue.

But now since time has passed, you were now 18 and so was rin. You lived in Australia, and of course rin lived in Japan.

The unsuspecting victim of darkness in the valley.

Although you both sent eachother letters all the time, he suddenly stopped.

We can live like Jack and Sally
If we want.

You kept sending him letters, thinking it was probably sent to the wrong address.

Where you can always find me
And we'll have Halloween on Christmas.

Rin on the other hand, received the letters and read through them all the time. He smiled each time knowing that you still wanted to see him.

But being the stubborn boy he is, he didn't send letters because he would be "teased".


And in the night we'll wish this never ends,
We'll wish this never ends.

You decided to finally go and visit rin over in Japan, you were so excited to see him and how he changed over the years.

Where are you?
And I'm so sorry.
I cannot sleep, I cannot dream tonight.

Gou gossiped to rin telling him that you were coming over to Japan and he felt his heart stop. A blush spread across his face.

"Really?" He asked, Gou nodded and squealed as she shipped her brother with you. He shoved Gou out of his room and slammed the door shut.

I need somebody and always
This sick strange darkness
Comes creeping on so haunting every time.

'She's gonna be so mad at me because I never responded.'

He paced around the room as he thought about what your first encounter since you last saw each other would be like.

"I bet she hotter than before." He mumbled to himself. He smacked himself for how inappropriately he was acting.

And as I stared I counted
The webs from all the spiders
things and eating their insides.

You boarded your plane and headed to Japan.

*Time skip~*

You walked around and looked for samezuka, the highschool rin went to. You bumped into a few people and muttered broken Japanese to them.

Man were you embarrassing yourself.

You stopped by a park and sat on a bench and sighed loudly.

"Man I'm never gonna find rin!" You groaned. Then you heard a scream from a few feet away from you.

You opened your eyes and saw a blonde headed boy speaking Japanese to you. He seemed so excited.

You raised an eyebrow and spoke more broken Japanese.

He grunted as a blue eye boy came from behind him.

"Are you looking for Rin Matsuoka?" He asked, finally some English! You nodded quickly. He nodded his head and asked you to follow him and his friends.

He lead you to a big school and your eyes widened.

"Wow! So cool." You spun around and looked at the school. The blacked haired boy nodded with a small smile on his face.

He was about to speak again when you both heard and very familiar voice.

"Haruka race me!" You spun back around and saw the boy that you fell in love with in Australia.

He looked around and saw you and his jaw dropped.

"(Y-y/n)?!" He asked. You nodded your head happily and ran and hugged him. He laughed and hugged you back. Haru and his friends walked away avoiding another brawl with him.

"I haven't see you in so long!" He smiled. You nodded.

"I missed you."


"How about we go somewhere and catch up eh, (y/n)?" He asked, you nodded and took his hand.

"Yes please."


Okay so the important news that I have to tell you guys is that I'm going on a hiatus. Yep. I just really need to take a break from wattpad.
While I'm on hiatus is that I'm gonna update occasionally, not really but every now and then.

But thanks for reading and I'll see you guys when I come back!


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