1. Once Upon a Time

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Once upon a time in a sea far away Ursula lives in an abounded cave. She was cast away by Triton after her attacks on his daughter and now she's left bitter and alone. The sea for which she's in is too cold for animals to live - not that'd they live near her anyways - and the only thing she has to keep her occupied is her magic.

She spends her days creating potions and spells and swims to the top of the sea to seduce sailors to their deaths. She laughs as they sink and she prays for the day she can watch Triton and his precious daughter fall too. She plans and creates with her time and once she can escape this awful place she will.

It's after a stormy night when that changes. You see, she comes up to the surface - dressed as a beautiful woman with a tail long and pretty - and finds a single man in a boat. He appears scared and so she slowly approaches him.

The man is lost at sea and Ursula decides to help him in a way. She feeds him and talks to him and the man - scared at first - slowly warms up to her.
She knows he will not want to be at sea with her forever and she knows that he wants to get home. She makes him a promise.

If he helps her have a child, she will use her magic to get him home.

The man happily agrees and soon he's on his way. Ursula nurses herself as she goes through he pregnancy and is surprised when a small mermaid baby comes out. He is not ugly like how she pictures but remarkably beautiful even at a young age. She calls him Harry because of all the curly hair on his head.

The boy grows and as he grows Ursula's love from him grows as well. She teaches him how to harness magic and to collect food. Her son can swim beyond her area of the sea she's trapped in and comes back with news for her. He tells her about the royal family and she sneers at their happiness. Ariel had a daughter the same time as her. A daughter that is beautiful and perfect.

Ursula wants her dead.


"Mother!" Harry shouts as he swims into his home. He finds his mother sitting at her cauldron, brewing some type of potion too advanced for him.

"Yes?" She asks without looking up. She can't mess up one part of this potion or it won't work.

"I have news! Crazy news!" Harry cheers. He hopes this one will shock his mother. He wants her to praise him for finding this out. There's no way she's supposed to know, but Harry has her back. Harry found this for her.

"What is it, dear?" She asks. She puts down everything and focuses on her child. He's 17 now and his curly hair flops around in the sea. His green eyes glow as he smiles and his matching green tails flaps excitedly.

"There's a world above us!" Harry exclaims and she purses her lips and sticks out her hips.

"I know that, Harry. I've told you that!" She cries in frustration. She stopped what she was doing for that?

"No! The princes and good guys. They've come together and made a kingdom. A whole kingdom for them to share," Harry continues and she raises her brows in interest.

"What about everyone else? The "villains"?" She questions and Harry just smirks.

"They got sent away to have their own kingdom so to speak. They can't get in the other one though," Harry tells her.

"Well why not?" She rolls her eyes and Harry shrugs.

"Magic. I know Ariel is there, mother. Her daughter too."

Ursula's eyes widen as the information runs through her brain. Ariel is up top in a fancy kingdom full of magic and fairies and royalty. Of course she is. She's left to rot, but the perfect princess gets whatever she wants.

"I could get in. They don't know me," Harry continues. Ursula rolls her eyes now and clicks her tongue.

"You cannot."

"I can! I did today. After I heard I went over and made it to their land," Harry argues. Ursula studies her son again and he just waits.

"What would you do up there?" She asks. She worries he wants to leave her and never return.

"I could get revenge for what they did to you. I know I could do it. I can be just as evil as you," Harry promises. She looks at him again and her heart aches. He does not know the world up there. He's still innocent to everything.

"Not yet," she tells him and he pouts.

"Why not? I'd do anything! Please, mother, let me help you," Harry begs. He swims forward and grabs his mothers hand.

"I could kill her. I'd kill Ariel," Harry whispers and his mother looks into his eyes.

"You can't kill Ariel," she scoffs.

"Why not?" He asks in offence. He jerks away from her and his jaw locks. "I could do it. I hate her for doing this to us. She deserves to die."

Ursula smiles at his hatred and swims around her small area. She grabs a few bottles and cackles as she turns back to him.

"No she deserves worse. You won't kill her when you go. You'll kill her daughter."

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