3. Bippity boppity... Oops?

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The room they give Harry to live in is small. He searches the basically empty place after thanking them for their kindness and trying not to show how much he loathed them. Their life of luxury makes him sick considering his mother is left in unspeakable living conditions.

The doctor they saw claimed Harry had hit his head - wow original diagnosis doc! - and that he may or may not remember who he is. Harry kept quiet the whole time and let the man make up lies and excuses for him. He sighs as he sits down on one of their long, cushion chairs they have on land and looks around again.

"This place is like a jail. It's so closed in," he mutters. He swings his new legs and then closes his eyes. Learning to walk was hard, but he could pretend his legs were weak from being knocked out until he learned. He slowly stands again and starts to take more steps around his new home.

"Why would Ariel ever wish for these things? They're awful," Harry whines as he trips and almost falls on his face. His two legs are long and skinny and not beautiful like his tail. He takes a deep breath before he starts to walk again. "Maybe I should walk outside. Discover some things," he decides. He keeps talking to himself so he doesn't go insane.

He manages to get to his door without tripping and he prides himself on such an accomplishment. He even makes it half way down the hall before he falls flat on his face. The sound of his tall body hitting the floor causes a big bang and another door opens. He sits up and turns to see a brunette boy looking at him. He has soft brown eyes and a built body. Harry glares at him hoping he'll leave.

"Are you alright?" The boy asks and Harry huffs as he stands up and dusts himself off.

"Yes. You can look away now," Harry tells him harshly. The boy looks surprised at his rude tone, but doesn't move his eyes.

"Who are you?" He asks curiously and Harry sighs and turns to fully face him with an annoyed expression.

"Who are you and why do you ask so many questions?" Harry shoots back. The boy smiles slightly and runs his hand through his hair.

"I'm Liam, son of Hercules and Meg. And again, you are?" Liam asks and Harry just raises his brow.

"You don't look like a god to me," Harry tells him and Liam fully laughs now. Harry notices how his laugh even sounds nice and he resists the urge to spit at his feet.

"I'm not a god. Just have godly family," the boy explains. Harry just looks him up and down again and then turns away.

"I'm Harry, son of no one," he throws over his shoulder as he struts away. He stumbles again as he reaches the staircase and he hears Liam's laugh again. He refuses to acknowledge it and instead steps down the stairs as best he can.

He holds his breath the whole way down and when he reaches the bottom he closes his eyes and smiles. He can do this human thing. He can do anything. He opens his eyes again and move towards the door that brings him to the outside world. The fresh air blows his hair back as soon as the door opens and he can't help but feel free.

There's a whole city out here, but Harry avoids talking to anyone and just walks in the direction towards the trees and water. He doesn't want to talk to more people like Liam and he doesn't know why everyone introduces themselves and tells who their parents are. He really doesn't care.

The water is farther than he remembered and he falls only a handful of times before he gets there. He smells the ocean air and then leans over and dips his hand in the cold water. He's tempted to just dive in and swim back to his mother, but he promised her he'd do this. He must get her revenge.

He stands up again and looks at the trees that stand tall. He slowly walks towards them and notices instantly that the ground is more uneven when you walk through the trees. He manages to learn better with the harder circumstance and smiles as he walks without difficulty. He can control his legs better now and his hands touch each rough tree trunk as he walks by them.

The world smells different up here and the sounds enchant him. He loves the ocean, but the quiet of a forest is a close second. He wishes his mother could see this. He wishes she could be walking right next to him.

He stops walking when he hears a faint giggle. His brow furrows and he attempts to slowly creep up to where he thinks it could be. He finally reaches a tree and he peers around it to see a boy floating in the air. His tiny body glides effortlessly as glitter falls all around. A small figure flies with him and he giggles as she nudges his body.

Harry watches in wonder as the boy does flips and tricks and he's so caught up that he forgets about gravity and falls over from leaning to far. The floating boy stops and looks at him and Harry can feel his face heat up as he slowly stands.

"Oops," he mutters and the small boy giggles at him.

"Hi," he replies and Harry listens to his sing song voice and it does funny things to his head. "Who are you?" The boy asks and Harry can't even find it in himself to be rude.

"I'm Harry," he tells him. The small boy has landed on the ground and Harry notices how small he actually is. He's like a pixie with his sharp features and his piercing blue eyes never leave Harry's glowing green.

"Who're your parents?" The boy asks and Harry licks his lips and steps back as the boy tries to get close.

"Not quite sure. Who are you?" Harry asks and for once he really wants to know. He's never heard of pixie boys that can fly - at least not that he remembers.

"I'm Louis, son of Peter and Wendy," he tells him proudly. Harry takes a moment to realize what the boy said and then he's left more confused.

"Peter Pan? The boy that never grows up?" Harry questions and Louis smiles and nods.

"Yes. Well, not really. He chose my mother over childhood and now here I am. Funny, huh?" Louis giggles again and Harry thinks he might die if the boy keeps doing that. Harry notices that sparkles fly whenever he smiles big and gets happy.

"Does everyone here have famous parents?" Harry asks and Louis nods and slowly backs away into the clearing.

"But of course. You can't get on the island without some magic in your blood," the boy explains with a laugh.

"I don't think I have magic in my blood," Harry throws back and Louis looks down at him and his blue eyes sparkle.

"I would disagree with that. Beautiful creatures are always filled with magic."

Harry is left speechless at his reply and Louis seems to get enjoyment from his dumbfounded state. The small creature flying with him earlier zips down from the sky and moves close to his ear and Louis nods as if listening.

"My father needs me. It was great meeting you, Harry. I hope I'll see you soon," he smiles and his smile is bright and just filled with goodness. Harry manages to get out a small 'yeah' before the boy flies away and Harry is left alone again.

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