15. Can you feel the love tonight?

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Louis sits across from Harry at the lunch table and a light blush coats his cheeks. He giggles every time they make eye contact and a light dusting of sparkles falls all around. Harry just smiles and looks down at his plate trying to hide his fond look.

"Do you guys want me to leave? I feel like I'm intruding," Michael says. Harry looks over at his friend that he forgot was there. Michael of course knows about the night before and is looking between the two boys knowingly. "I can just go to class if you want to make out some more. I mean it's not like you guys didn't do that all last night," he teases.

"Are you done?" Harry questions. He scowls at his friend and Michael just raises his brows at him.

"Always with the attitude. Do you talk to Louis like that?" Michael hums, leaning forward.

"No because he's not as irritating as you," Harry tells him sticking out his tongue. Louis giggles across the table watching the two.

"Really? And here I thought you were the irritating one," Michael replies with a smirk. Harry rolls his eyes and turns away from him.

"I hate you," he says stubbornly.

"No you don't," both Louis and Michael reply at the same time. They each look at each other and then high five as their stupid laughter fills the air.

"I hate you both," Harry grumbles.

"You hate Louis? The boy you told me you think is so cute and nice and you just adore and blush over? You hate that Louis?" Michael laughs. Harry can feel his face go even more red as Louis starts to sparkle brighter with each word.

"Weren't you leaving?" Harry asks in annoyance and Michael laughs as he stands to his feet.

"I am. Still want to study tonight or do you hate me?" He asks. Harry huffs and looks up at him.

"Study but I still hate you," Harry whispers and Michael rolls his eyes.

"So charming. You found yourself a keeper, Louis," he jokes. Harry watches as he walks away and he can feel Louis kick him under the table.

"What are you studying for?" The boy asks. Harry easily directs all his attention to the small boy and moves forward to grab a carrot stick off his plate. Louis pouts as he watches Harry munch on his food.

"Nature studies. I have no idea what's going on in that class," Harry admits and Louis smiles at him.

"Maybe if you spent more time paying attention and less time thinking of insults to throw at Zayn you would know what's going on," Louis tells him with a knowing smile.

"Maybe but I have more fun crushing Zayn's ego," Harry grins.

"Louis, coming to class?" Someone calls behind them. They both turn to see Liam standing at the exit of the lunch area and Louis bites his lip.

"Yeah, just save me a seat," Louis calls back. Liam looks over at Harry and rolls his eyes but doesn't say anything as he walks away.

"Skip class and hang out with me," Harry offers. Louis turns back to him and shakes his head.

"I can't, my father would be really upset. I'll see you tonight maybe?" Louis asks hopefully. Harry just pouts but nods his head. The two have spent every second they can together since last night. The only time they don't see each other is in class but even then they meet up in between those.

"I should be done with Michael around 10," Harry tells him. They both stand from the table and walk their trays over to the trash cans.

"I'm in his building... You can maybe stay the night at mine?" Louis offers. They've walked to exit which is where they'll have to go opposite ways. Harry moves forward and he smiles wide as Louis instinctively floats up to be his height.

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