35. And they lived happily ever after

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3 months later

"Oh of course. You all sit around in the shade and I'm actually working," Henry shouts when he sees them. Harry opens his eyes and grins at his friend.

"You working? That's a first," Harry calls back. Henry just drops the boards in his hand and jogs over to Bria, Michael and Harry.

"Still wearing dresses? How cute," Henry snorts when he spots Michael's attire. Michael just shifts awkwardly and Bria narrows her eyes.

"Watch it," she warns and Henry just raises his hands.

"Oops forgot your attack dog was on duty," Henry jokes and Harry laughs and turns it into a cough when Bria's eyes turn on him.

"Speaking of attack dogs, when does your owner come back?" Henry looks over at Harry and Michael snorts as Harry blushes.

"He comes back today for the verdict..." Harry replies.

The last three months have been filled with work and loneliness for the boy. The city has been working hard and the houses on the villains side are almost completely finished and the road back and forth is smooth and easy for travel. Harry honestly thinks it's been good for everyone but Louis and him. As promised Peter sent Louis to Neverland as his punishment and Harry's been alone, waiting for him.

"Thank god we don't have to see you pout anymore," Henry says as he flops down next to him. He lies back in the grass and Harry just shrugs.

"He's allowed to be upset about it. Have some compassion," Michael scolds and Henry peaks open one eye.

"Me? Compassionate? I think your mother might have you truly going loco," Henry says and all three roll their eyes.

"That comes to an end today too. No more 'lady lessons'," Harry reminds him with a small nudge and Michael grins.

"I know. I've never been more excited for anything in my life," he sighs and Bria gently tugs on his long hair.

"Me too. As cute as your long hair is, I prefer it short," she admits and Michael swipes his hand through it.

"A new cut and perhaps a new body..? Harry?" Michael looks over at him hopefully and Harry grins.

"Yes yes. We'll have at least one reason to celebrate tonight no matter what," Harry promises.

His magic has gotten stronger over the last three months as well. His mother has taught him how to control it better and how to do more than even his book can offer. Tonight - no matter what - Harry is finally going to give Michael the body he wants. They've been preparing and practicing for it and they've both agreed it's time.

"So when do you meet the pixie?" Henry changes the subject back and Harry looks up at the bright sky and his heart flutters.

"I don't know. Soon I hope," Harry murmurs.

"It's only been three months," Henry tries to reason and Harry shakes his head.

"It's been three years for him. A whole day there is only 2 hours here. He might not even want to come back," Harry speaks his fears out loud and Bria gently places her hand on his arm.

"You know that's not true. He's probably missed you like crazy," Bria tries to console him and Harry picks at the fabric on his pants.

"If I wasn't watched all the time I could've visited. He gave me pixie dust awhile ago and I couldn't even use it. Stupid guards never left my side," Harry grumbles.

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