22. Things will look better in the morning

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Henry sleeps with his head in Harry's lap as the sun starts to rise on the horizon. The boy hasn't thrown up in hours but Harry still worries about his well being. His skin is clammy and cold and his eyes blood shot.

Harry looks over across the fire at where the other two sleep. Bria is cuddled in Michaels arms to keep warm and the sight makes Harry feel happy yet uncomfortable. He knows Bria is a pretty girl but he doesn't want her to break his best friends heart.

"You awake?" Michaels voice draws Harry's eyes up from Bria's sleeping face and up to Michael. The boy is watching him closely and smiling slightly.

"Yeah. Can't sleep," Harry admits.

"Same here. Want to get firewood to replenish the fire? Did you bring food to cook?" Michael asks. Harry purses his lips at the question and then looks over at a big bag Bria brought.

"Bria did I'm sure and yeah we can get some wood. Think they'll be okay without us here..?" Harry trails off. Michael is already moving Bria nicely -moving her hair from her face and placing her head on his sweater.

"Should be fine. If Henry acts up Bria can deal with him for a little until we get back," Michael says faithfully. Harry's not sure about that but he doesn't want to argue. They're not going far and if Henry starts to get sick or wake up they'll hear him.

He gently lays the boy down on the ground and stands to stretch his legs. He wishes Louis were here to just light up the start of his day and his mind constantly falls back to the boy. He also thinks of Henry's words last night and he wonders if he should try that next time he sees him. Would Louis like that? Is it too soon? What if he messes up?

"Where's your head at?" Michael asks. Harry didn't even realize he was walking with the boy and just not talking.

"Nowhere. So you and Bria seem to be hitting it off," Harry changes the subject. Michael blushes at the sound of her name and leans over to pick up some sticks.

"She's nice. Nicer than I would've expected from a 'villain' but then again so are you. She's pretty too... Like really pretty," Michael says the last part really fast and Harry laughs as he grabs some sticks.

"She is. Not Louis but still pretty," Harry agrees and Michael rolls his eyes at the comment.

"Right. She'd never like me though. I'm some weird mix of things and she's gorgeous and all girl," Michael sighs and Harry purses his lips and then grabs his friends arm.

"One: you being who you are should never stop you from pursuing something. Two: I might be able to help with your situation. I have a spell book-"

"I won't take any of your potions-"

"It's a spell-"

"I don't want that-"

"I can make you a boy! A full boy! I just need more practice so it'll be permanent and not only for a week. I can do that," Harry rushes out. Michael is still staring at him blankly and Harry just keeps looking at him. "I want to do that for you. You can even watch me practice and when we both think I'm good enough we'll try the change. For you."

Michael just looks away and bends over to grab more sticks. Harry stands where he is and awaits his friends reply. He wants nothing but happiness for the boy and if changing him slightly so he has the right parts makes him happy, Harry will do that.

"If I can see that you're good at it, I'll let you. But it has to be permanent. I don't want to get everything I've ever dreamed of and then have it ripped away," Michael finally speaks, his back turned to Harry.

"Okay. We'll work at it together. It'll be my final gift to you," Harry promises. Michael turns back to him and a frown is formed on his face.

"You act like you're going to leave one day."

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