14. Kiss the boy

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Harry sits with ice on his knee. He and Michael went skating and Harry - who still struggles with walking sometimes - fell and bruised his knee. Michael despite feeling bad laughed the whole way back and gave him an ice pack before going back to his dorm. Harry just sighs as his knee continues to throb and the warm night air creeps through his window. He can feel himself relaxing into his pillows as the ice numbs his leg and he closes his eyes.

"What happened?" Louis' voice makes him look up and the boy sits on his windowsill, a look of pure concern on his face. Harry just chuckles and lifts the ice to show his bruised, swollen knee.

"Fell skating. I'm okay, though," Harry tells him. Louis just flies over to his bed and his small fingers gently touch the numb area. Harry watches as a small frown forms and the boy looks up at him.

"Be careful. I don't like this," Louis pouts.

"Me neither," Harry laughs. Louis still gently touches the skin and Harry grabs his hand and pulls him onto the bed next to him. Louis stares at their hands with wide eyes and Harry slowly let's go. "Don't worry, Sparkles, I'm fine."

Louis just looks at his face and a small smile grows at the nickname. Harry missed his smile and he can't help it when he reaches out to touch Louis again. The boy glows at just the tips of their fingers touching and Harry can feel his stomach do the funny thing it always does whenever he's with Louis.

"I think I'm very happy I chose you," Louis whispers and Harry smiles at his words and raises his brow.

"You think?" He questions teasingly and Louis smiles at his playful tone.

"I know I am," Louis corrects. Harry just nods and he looks down at their hands that are barely holding each other.

"I need to know that you won't be mean to Michael if we're going to be like this. He can't get hurt," Harry says. He means both from Louis and from himself. He's decided that when he goes through with his plans with Bria, Michael will not be involved in any way.

"I won't be. He's your friend therefore, he's my friend too," Louis tells him. Harry looks up into his honest face and he nods his head. As long as his two favourite people up here can get along everything will be okay for him.

"How are the others treating you?" Harry wonders and Louis bites his lip. His small hands move to remove Harry's thawing ice pack off of his knee and put it on the table.

"They're not as warm as they used to be but they're still letting me be in the group. They're all out doing something now but I wanted to see you instead," Louis admits, his small fingers tracing patterns into Harry's large palm and his blue eyes cast down.

"I know they're not the nicest but they're the only friends I've ever had... It's terrifying to think about not having that," Louis confesses, his usual soft, soothing voice even softer.

Harry just looks at him as the boy continues to draw patterns onto his skin. His hair falls gently over his forehead and everything about him is just tiny and pretty and kind. Louis himself is not a mean, cold hearted person and Harry likes that about him. He's attracted to his kindness. He closes his hand around Louis' small finger making the boy look up at him finally.

"I don't want you to give them up for me," Harry tells him.

"I know but I will," Louis answers.

Harry knows this is the usual moment. The one where he's supposed to lean in and steal a kiss and fireworks will go off. He'll make everything perfect and he wants to do that but Harry's never kissed anyone in his life. His time up here is the most social interaction he's ever had and he's terrified about kissing Louis. Villains never get kissed and they never find love.

Louis seems to get frustrated with Harry's hesitation and he starts to lean in. In a panic moment Harry removes his hand from Louis' and coughs into his arm.

"Is it really dry in here?" Harry continues to cough and Louis just stares at him with a blank face.

"No... I think I'm going to leave. It was nice talking to you," Louis mutters. He lifts himself off the bed and Harry again panics and grabs Louis' wrist and pulls him with all his strength back on the bed. The small boy tumbles backwards and on top of Harry which makes him yelp as Louis hits his knee.

"Are you okay?! Why did you pull me so hard?" Louis shouts in surprise. He floats up and hovers over Harry, who has his eyes closed in pain.

"I'm fine. Uh, you should stay," He grunts as he opens his eyes.

"I don't have to-"

"I want you to," Harry interrupts. Louis keeps looking down at him and Harry again needs to build up his courage before his hands reach up and pull Louis down on top of him. Louis floats down gently to straddle Harry's waist. He looks down at the boy and Harry knows again he should kiss him.

"Okay, uh... Yeah. I've never kissed anyone and you're really cute and I'd like to kiss you but I don't know how-"

Louis leans down and places his lips over Harry's and the boy is shocked to say the least. Louis pulls away with a smile on his face and Harry pouts.

"I wasn't ready. Try again," Harry instructs. Louis laughs and sparkles dance in the air around them as the short boy leans down slowly. Harry gets fed up and just leans up the rest of the way so their lips meet again in a less awkward way.

The kiss is clumsy, but Harry doesn't care. His heart is going crazy in his chest and his hands rest on Louis' small, curvy waist, pulling him closer and closer. The two slowly figure out how to move their mouths together and Harry can feel Louis' hand resting on the pillow next to his head.

The two eventually slowly pull away and Harry opens his eyes to stare right back up at Louis' sparkling blue eyes. Sparkles dance around them like a barrier from the outside world and Harry feels real. He no longer feels like he's living a shadow of what his mothers life was. He feels like he's Harry and he's starting to create his own story.

His own story with Louis.

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