4. Part of your world

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Harry is trying to learn how things work on land. He's learned walking and clothes, he's learned showers and gravity. He just can't figure out the people.

There's buildings all around, and the children live in them. There's a big court yard in the centre where they all gather at a certain time and eat and he can't figure out why. He picks at his food on his tray and blocks out the sound of the other people. He sits alone at the back table and ignores the eyes peering at his back.

"Hi," a soft voice speaks up beside him and he groans and looks over to see a tall girl. Her hair is cut short and her face round. She wears jeans and a baggy shirt to hide her figure. Harry just rolls his eyes and looks back down.

"What can I do for you?" He asks in his usual annoyed tone. There's a small breathy laugh from the girl.

"Thought I'd introduce myself. No one likes to sit alone all the time," she replies and Harry stabs at the noodles on his plate and looks up.

"I do," he replies back blandly and she smiles bigger and shakes her head.

"Doubtful. I'm Michelle," she extends her hand and Harry looks at her short fingernails and then back up at her.

"Not going to tell me who your parents are? That seems to be the custom here," Harry shoots back and the more he talks the more amused she seems.

"Mulan and Shang," she replies with a shrug. "Personally, I'm not a fan of that whole custom either. My parents status shouldn't be more important than who I am," she continues and Harry nods at her statement.

"It's unnecessary in my opinion. I just don't care all that much," Harry sighs and she laughs and tentatively sits down. He just lets it go and slides his tray away.

"It's important to know. Family status means something here. The first princesses rule the castle; Belle, Cinderella, Jasmine, my mother, Aurora, Snow White, Pocahontas and Ariel. Peter is important too because he rules Neverland. Next would go Rapunzel, Merida, Tiana and Anna and Elsa. Everyone else just falls in as extras..." She explains. She gestures at people as she talks and Harry manages to pay close attention.

"Okay so does status matter for the children?" He questions and she tilts her head in thought.

"Kind of? The royalty definitely knows each best. Our parents rule the land so we have formal dinners a lot. Honestly, though most of us don't care. Take Liam for example," - she says pointing at the boy Harry met in the hall - "son of Hercules and Meg. He's best friends with Zayn, son of Aladdin and Jasmine. Zayn is prince of this land and Liam is some average demi-god."

Harry glances at the two boys in question. He examines Zayn's perfect facial structure and Liam's chiseled arms. Understandable how those two could be friends if you go by a looks spectrum.

"Who's the blonde?" Harry asks. A blonde boy sits with them, his head thrown back in laughter.

"Oh! That's Niall, son of Rapunzel and Flynn. Middle class around here," Michelle shrugs. Harry's about to ask more, but Louis flies down to sit with the three boys and Harry instantly forgets words. The boy looks even prettier and Harry doesn't know how that's possible.

"That's Louis, son of-"

"Peter and Wendy," Harry finishes in a daze. It's like Louis heard that and he looks over and makes eye contact with Harry. Harry immediately gives him a cocky smirk and wink, which makes the small boy blush a light shade of pink. Michelle nudges him and Harry slowly moves his eyes away from the perfect sight and over to her.

"Making moves on him already?" She laughs and Harry goes red and shakes his head.

"Me? No no," Harry quickly tells her and she rolls her eyes and smirks at him.

"Right. Okay. Well another important person is Brooke, daughter of Ariel and Eric," Michelle points to a pretty girl in a green dress.

Her hair is an auburn colour and freckles dust her skin. Her sea green eyes dance as she listens to another girl talk and Harry feels hatred bubble inside him. She looks so calm and happy in her life.

"She's also is royalty down in Atlantis so she's a big deal. Not a bad person, but ditzy."

Harry doesn't take his eyes off her as she laughs and it takes everything in him not to stand up and let his rage out. Her family ruined his mothers life. He bites his lip and turns back to Michelle with a sour look.

"I don't think I'll like her," he spits out and Michelle looks taken aback, but let's the subject drop.

"Might want to erase your sour face, because Louis is coming over," she whispers and instantly Harry blushes and closes his eyes.

"Hey, you're the boy from the woods," a familiar voice says. Harry squeezes his eyes shut more and he hears Michelle's silent laugh next to him. God how he's thought about this boy since he last saw him.

"Yeah that's me," Harry sighs. He slowly opens his eyes and he noticeably takes a sharp breath as he gets a full view of the boys face again. The boy is smiling bright, his feet on the ground and small sparkles flying around him.

"I'm Louis in case you forgot," he re-introduces himself.

"I didn't forget," Harry blurts and that makes Louis smile wider, his eyes crinkling in an adorable way.

"I didn't forget you either, Harry. Oh and hello Michelle," he smiles at the girl who's looking at the two with utter amusement.

"Hey, Lou. Didn't know you met my new friend before me."

"We're not friends," Harry turns to face her and Louis frowns at his harsh tone.

"Why not? Michelle is great," Louis defends her and she smiles bigger.

"Yeah I'm great, Harry," she repeats and Harry bites his lip. To be or not to be mean that is the question.

"We just met today," Harry rebuttals. He doesn't want to look bad in front of the sparkling boy and he thinks Michelle knows that.

"But we can have lunch together tomorrow? Maybe Louis can join," she offers and Louis lights up again, dust falling all around.

"That'd be great! I'm sure the others would like to know you as well," Louis cheers and Harry plasters on a fake smile and nods.

"Sounds great!" He cheers. Louis then floats away and he turns quickly to face Michelle.

"I hate you," he whispers harshly and she smiles and shakes her head.

"No you don't, but you hate this place and so do I. We can at least hate it together."

She stands up after that and walks away. Harry notices then that all the other girls wear dresses and makeup and Michelle doesn't. He admires her for standing out, but he's still not fond of her. Though she could be useful. She can help Harry get close to the royal families.

Especially Ariels.

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