30. He is my Evangeline

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Harry fixes his bow tie in the mirror but he feels uncomfortable in the formal wear. He's never been to anything like this but he's heard about dances in stories. Of girls in beautiful gowns and boys in suits. They dance all night and fall in love.

Harry can't dance though.

And he's already so in love.

He sighs as he walks out of his room and into the space where his friends sit. Bria and Henry have their uniforms on and Michael is wearing a cute suit and tie. Harry smiles at him and Michael whistles.

"Damn, Louis' seamstress did well. You look like a prince," Michael tells him and Harry blushes and looks down at his outfit.

"It's a little much," Harry says and Michael shakes his head.

"You look like you fit in," Michael promises and Harry can see a nervous smile gently grace his face.

"You look great too," Harry tells him softly, wanting him to feel reassured.

"Doesn't he? Oh, your ties crooked, c'mere," Bria sighs as she moves forward and starts to adjust the purple tie he's wearing. Harry smiles at the two and looks at Henry who looks tired.

"You're quiet," he notes and Henry looks up and shrugs.

"Just getting ready. Are we leaving soon?" He asks and Michael nods, standing up.

"Yeah. We can take my car to the palace and then I can sneak you guys in. Uh, Harry, what are we turning them into to get them into my car?" Michael asks and Harry swallows but looks to them.

"You're both going to be mice and you'll slip into our pockets. Once we get there we can sneak you in the server door," he explains again.

"More like servant door," Henry mumbles but Harry ignores him. He's sure of his plan and he's sure of his friends but his heart aches at the thought of Louis being upset. There's nothing in this world he wants more than for Louis is be forever happy and glowing.

"My car is here so turn them now," Michael reminds him and Harry snaps away from his thoughts and nods his head. He has the changeover spell memorized so he just closes his eyes and mumbles the few words with confidence. He can feel the familiar feeling of magic leaving his body and when he opens his eyes mice sit where his friends once did. He leans down and quickly scoops up Henry and puts him in his pocket.

"Let's go. We have to be quick, I don't know how long it will last," Harry reminds him. Michael nods as he slips Bria gently into his pocket and then the two boys rush down the stairs and into the awaiting car. When the door is shut and they're away from any prying eyes they remove the two and wait for them to change back.

The road is bumpy as the go and Harry feels sick as his friends remain mice through it. Michael throws him a look and Harry looks away not knowing why they're not changing. It's because he's getting stronger he thinks. He'll soon be able to do lasting effects.

Just when he starts to worry about them not changing back in time the air ripples and his friends come back. Bria looks around in confusion and Henry looks disgusted.

"That was the worst experience. I give it no stars," he complains and Harry throws him a cheeky smile.

"That's what people say after speaking to you," he jokes and Henry smacks his arm and looks annoyed. Harry can see the amusement on his face though so he doesn't feel bad.

They bump along a little more before Michael slowly tells them they'll have to change back. Bria just nods but Henry whines until he's finally a mouse again and can't. Michael throws them both in his pocket and when they arrive he tells the driver he needs to see the servers about special food. The man seems to believe him and so he runs off with their plan in his pocket.

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