9. He likes your butt and your fancy hair

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Harry lies on his back as Michelle paces his room. The girl is wearing even baggier clothing than him and her short hair swishes as she walks.

"So what have you planned to do with Louis?" She asks. Harry sighs as he looks up at her from his class book.

"I don't know, sit around? He's leaving to go to his study session early," Harry explains. He accidentally told Michelle Louis was coming over today and she freaked out.

"No! Plan something! Offer to go to his study group," she suggests and Harry scrunches his nose in disgust.

"And spend time with his friends? No thanks," he replies and she sighs and flops down on his bed next to him. He gives her a look and makes a point to move over which she ignores.

"You like him right?" She asks.


"Like like him?" She inquired further and Harry gives her a confused look.

"Uh, sure? Yes?" He questions. What's the difference of adding another like?

"Oh my god I forget you're a social idiot sometimes. Do you ever want to kiss him? You know what that is right?" She questions and Harry blushes at the question and looks back down at the open book in his lap.

"Yes I know what that is and I wouldn't mind if he kissed me. Is that weird?" Harry looks up at her with wide eyes. "Can we do that? I've never heard of two boys kissing," Harry explains and her teasing face becomes soft. Again she reminds him of his mother.

"Of course it's not weird! Some people here think different isn't good, but I'm telling you it is. If you want to kiss him then kiss him!" She exclaims and Harry blushes again and looks down.

"I don't think he wants to kiss me," he whispers and he jumps when she laughs loudly. He looks up in shock and she covers her mouth, but laughter still escapes.

"I'm sorry. I just can't believe you're so clueless. That boy would do anything to get you to make a move. Just kiss him," she tells him and Harry shakes his head.

"I can't. Not today. That's too soon and I have other things to focus on," Harry admits, holding up his book as an excuse. She just sighs and rolls her eyes again and stands from the bed.

"Whatever. Don't wait too long there, Prince Charming. I'm going to leave before he shows up, but have fun," she waves. Harry just waves as she lets herself out and he thinks about what she told him. Should he kiss Louis today? It feels weird to do it and he decides a better time would be when it's natural. When the boy is glowing and sparkling and smiling and laughing and Harry just grins at the thought. That's his favourite Louis. The happy Louis.

"Hello, Harry," Louis' voice invades his thoughts and he jumps as he looks over to his open window. Louis is sitting on the edge and smiling at the tall boy.

"Hi. Come in," Harry waves him forward and Louis moves towards his bed and sits in front of him. He's wearing green today and Harry hates how everything looks good on him. He really needs to get things done in life for his mother, but Louis is a big distraction.

"I didn't see you today," Louis pouts adorably and Harry has to force himself to look up from his pouted lip.

"I went to my first class and then just back here. I don't really like the whole school thing," Harry shrugs.

"That's fair, but I still would've liked to have seen you," Louis continues and Harry just smiles and gestures to between them.

"You're seeing my right now. It's all good," Harry reassures him and Louis nods his head.

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