13. Always let your conscience be your guide

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Harry and Michael always arrive to the food line first so they can grab their lunch and get to his room without interruption. It just makes life easier because if Harry had to deal with the certain people any more times a day he may kill them with his bare hands.

Harry grabs his usual plate and Michael slowly grabs his. Neither of the two are very chatty but that's mostly Harry's fault. After going home a few nights ago from Michaels he got to really think about Louis. And it hurts.

He hasn't even looked at the boy in the last few days because it all just hurts. When it first happened Harry only wanted to make sure his friend was okay but now it's all he can think about. He thought Louis was different and he hoped maybe they'd stay close but Harry's a villain and he should have known he doesn't get a happy ending.

"You two have to eat in here today. No more sneaking off," the lady behind the counter tells them. Harry frowns as he looks up at her and his voice comes out monotone and tired.

"Why?" He questions.

"You're supposed to eat in here anyways. Always been a rule," she explains. Harry doesn't have the energy to argue and just grabs his plate and shuffles over to the back table. Michael follows him and slides in across from him.

"You need to get out of this slump," Michael sighs and Harry pokes at his food and doesn't look up.

"I know. I will," Harry mutters. His friend frowns and then nudges his foot under the table to get his attention. Harry sighs loudly and looks up.

"Let's go skating tonight. Elsa has the ice rink all set up!" Michael smiles. Harry manages to crack a small smile at that.

"I can't skate but I guess it's a good time to learn," he laughs. Michael cheers and raises his hand for a high five which Harry gives him.

"Good attitude! We're going to have fun," Michael tells him. Harry laughs loudly at his friend but that all ends when a group walks into the lunch area.

"Oh look it's the freaks," Brooke coos mockingly. Harry just rolls his eyes and doesn't say anything because he doesn't have time for her today. "Are you guys lovers yet?" She continues to try and get him upset.

"Yup that's us, the freaky lovers," Harry tells her with a smirk. Michael snorts at his reply. Brooke just looks disgusted and scrunches her nose.

"Disgusting," she mutters.

"We weren't talking about you," Harry shoots back.

"Grow up," she tells him sternly.

"You said something first though?" Michael finally speaks. Brooke looks surprised to see someone else besides Harry speak up to her.

"No one was talking to you, Man-chelle. Mind your own business," she scoffs and Michael gives her a confused look.

"You were literally just talking about me. This is my business," he says. Harry just nods his head and let's his friend have some words.

"Oh go back to being mute," Zayn speaks, blowing anything Michael has to say off. Harry can feel anger boil in him because they won't even allow him to stand up for himself.

"Be nice," another voice speaks up. Everyone turns to look at none other than Louis.

He's standing on his feet, his blue eyes trained on Zayn. His small frame makes him look cute not intimidating but his voice holds authority.

"They're not doing anything so just leave them alone," Louis continues. Zayn just stares at him blankly before he throws his head back to laugh and he wraps an arm around Louis which the small boy shrugs off. "I'm serious. It's just awful to watch."

"I'm just letting them know they don't belong here. I'm helping them," Zayn defends himself and Louis frowns and shakes his head.

"No you're being mean for no reason. Stop it," Louis tells him again. His small hands are shaking even if his voice isn't. Harry can tell from looking at him that he's terrified.

"Are you a freak now too?" Brooke asks with a chuckle and Louis' face goes pale.

"No he's not, he's just not rude like the rest of you. Leave him be," Harry quickly speaks up. Louis looks over at him and his blue eyes meet his green. He can see how truly scared he is when he looks at his eyes and he wants to go over and hug him.

"Anyone that defends you is freaky," Brooke tells him, looking down at her pink nails.

"Louis' our friend, let's stop this," Niall speaks softly and Zayn turns to him.

"Are you on their side too?" He bellows and Niall shrinks away.

"I'm on Louis' side. Just because he likes them doesn't mean we can't still like him. If he's friends with them we don't have to be," Niall reasons.

"That's not how this works. Either your part of our group or you're not," Liam finally joins in and he crosses his arms over his large chest.

"But why?" Niall asks in confusion.

"Yeah why? I don't want to be friends with any of you, but I wouldn't mind talking to Louis," Harry says again. Louis is still looking at him and when he says that small sparkles escape him even though it's obvious he's trying to hold them in.

"Because that's the way it works!" Brooke shouts, stomping her foot.

"Well I don't like that. I want to be able to see Harry whenever I want and still be your friends. If I can't have that then I don't know if I want to be your friends," Louis turns to them to say. His small body is trembling and his voice cracks on the last word.

The whole area is deadly silent and Harry can't take his eyes off of Louis. He's afraid someone will lunge at him and if anyone touches the pixie boy Harry will lose all of his self control.

"If you're friends with him you're friends with the he-she," Liam reminds him and Louis shrugs.

"So? I was friends with Michelle before," Louis points out. Harry cringes at the wrong name but still keeps his mouth shut. This isn't his fight.

"Fine whatever. Be friends with them but if you become a freak we'll stop talking to you," Zayn tells him. The group turns away and walks out without even eating and Louis just stands there. He turns to slowly face Harry and Michael.

"If you're going to sit with us you should know his names Michael. Nothing else," Harry tells him right away. Louis just looks over to Michael who looks scared. Louis just smiles softly and slowly drifts over.

"Okay. Michael it is," Louis agrees. Michael smiles at the name and Louis smiles back at him. Soon his attention is back on Harry though and his blue eyes swim with uncertainty.

"You were right when you said they're not really good friends... And I don't really like the way they treat others so I hope we can try and be friends again," Louis mutters.

"Yes you can be. Harry would love that," Michael answers for him. Harry turns to his friend with wide eyes.

"Hey! Don't answer for me," he tells him and Michael just rolls his eyes.

"Was that your answer?" He asks and Harry shrugs.

"Well yeah but-"

"No buts. You're welcome. Be friends," he grins. Harry just rolls his eyes and turns back to Louis who hasn't taken his eyes off of Harry.

"Friends," Harry agrees but the way they look at each other it's clear it's something more.

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