16. The poison chosen specially to kill Kuzco. Kuzco's poison.

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Harry watches Bria pace as he sits in the warm water. He loves coming out here and just being himself though being on land isn't always bad. At least not when he's with Louis.

"We need a good time to use the poison. We can't just randomly give it to them," she says and Harry rolls his eyes.

"I'm aware of that. I'm more concerned about getting everything I need to make it and the antidote," Harry explains and she scrunches her nose in distaste.

"Do we really need an antidote? Like who cares," she grumbles and Harry shakes his head.

"If they free us we keep our promise. Plus, I may not want some people to die..." Harry trails off. He knows if he poisons all of them Louis will have to be included. Even if the elders don't agree to his deal he doesn't think he could watch Louis die.

"God are you even a villain? Attached to some good girl on the fairy tale side," she rolls her eyes and Harry flushes as he shakes his head.

"Good boy actually and why do you care? I don't need you to get this done," Harry points out. Bria just moves forward and leans down so their faces are close together.

"Listen here, fish boy, I could end you. I know about your plan so I can tell the good Kings and Queens about you or I can go skipping over to my side and tell all the other kids. I'm part of this now and I will be a princess," she seethes.

Harry doesn't break eye contact with her and swiftly pulls her hair so she topples into the water. She screeches but it's silenced as Harry pulls her under. She frantically tries to get air but Harry holds her under and puts his lips close to her ear.

"I can kill you both on land and in water. Threaten me again and I'll end your life," he tells her. He can feel her starting to go limp so he quickly swims to the surface and dumps her back on the land. She coughs up water, her clothes clinging to her skin. She's crying and Harry just watches in silence.

"What was that?" She cries. Harry just continues to watch her blankly as she shakes and her hair sticks to her face. "I'm sorry. I won't tell anyone," she promises. Harry just rolls his eyes leans so he's floating on his back.

"Good. We're doing this my way now. I need you to find me someone. Someone who will drink the poison and then the antidote a few days later - just to see if they actually work. I'll find the ingredients for both so don't worry about that," Harry grins and Bria sniffles.

"Okay. I can do that. When do you want them? And what do we do if they die?" She wonders. Harry bites his lip and then shrugs again.

"Bring them to me in a week and if he dies we'll just bring him out into the ocean. No one will find him there," Harry promises.

"Someone might," she whispers and Harry just shrugs again.

"We're two kids no one will think it was us and no one knows you can get over here."

"That's not the point. They don't have to know I can get over here to assume it's me. I'm the daughter of a villain and therefore they'll look over to us. You're putting my friends and family in danger," she accuses.

"I thought villains have no friends," he says and she just shakes her head.

"Everyone has friends and a story and feelings. If this person dies you better have a spell to bring them back or at least to get rid of the body," she tells him seriously and Harry scrunches his nose but sighs.

"I'll look into it. Just bring me someone for next week okay?" He asks and she stands, her clothes still dripping.

"Okay I will. Have everything else ready," she tells him.

"Okay I will," he repeats back to her and she rolls her eyes and turns away. Harry watches as she walks in the opposite direction of the small town he's grown to know and he wonders what it's like over on her side. Maybe he'll ask her next time.

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