25. I am bad and that's good. I will never be good and that's not bad.

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Harry walks with his head down through the school yard. He hasn't seen Louis all day and he doesn't know why. They did whatever that was 2 days ago and things have been great, excellent even but now Louis is nowhere to be seen.

Harry spots Zayn and Liam ahead. He holds his breath as he walks over to them. Clouds fill the sky today and the weathers cold. Harry doesn't like the cold at all. His hands rest in his pockets and he notices the boys stop talking when he's close.

"Uh, hi. Seen Louis today?" Harry asks. He hates them so much but he wants to see Louis and they probably know where he is. Harry waits for the insults to be slung at him but Zayn just shrugs.

"I think he's sick. You should go see," he tells him softly. Harry gives him a confused look. There haven't been any fights since last time and he's not used to this. They're not following the script in his head.

"Thanks..." He trails off. The two boys just shrug and turn away from him to continue their conversation. Harry rolls his eyes but quickly makes his way over to Louis' dorm. At least it'll be warm inside the building.

He pulls open the large door and then hurriedly jumps up the stairs. The warm air feels nice on his numb cheeks and his hands can finally leave his pockets. He arrives in front of Louis' door and knocks softly, hoping the small boy is inside.

Louis pulls the door open, his face showing exhaustion and his mouth in a straight line. He smiles when he sees Harry, his blue eyes seeming to come alive.

"Hey," Louis smiles and Harry can't help but smile back, his mood lifting just at the sound of Louis' voice.

"Hi. You going to let me in?" Harry asks and Louis just moves aside and let's the taller boy in. Harry kicks off his shoes as Louis shuts the door and when Harry turns to face him again he looks ready to pass out.

"Are you okay, Sparkles? You don't look too well," Harry frets. He moves forward to place his hand on Louis' forehead and heat radiates off his skin.

"I have a fever. Dad said it should be gone soon," Louis informs him. Harry frowns and he pulls the boy into his arms which Louis happily snuggles into.

"I'll take care of you tonight. What do you need?" Harry mumbles into his hair and Louis laughs into his chest and hugs him tighter.

"I was going to have a bath. You can join me if you want," he offers and Harry frowns and his face goes red.

"Like sit in the washroom with you?" He questions and Louis pulls away and shrugs.

"Yeah or you can come in. It's not like we haven't seen each other before," Louis reminds him and Harry just nods but he can't really do that. If Harry goes in a bath then he turns into himself. He gets a tail and he's not a normal boy. He's not someone Louis can share bathes with.

"I'd love to but I can't because of the whole fish thing..." Harry is now flushed from embarrassment. For once he wishes he didn't have to be a mermaid because then he could spend time with Louis and clean his hair and rub his shoulders. Louis just frowns and furrows his brow.

"What about it? My bath is big enough for us. Your tail may hang over the side but that's okay," Louis doesn't seem to get it. Harry doesn't want to get in the bath with him because of his tail. It's not normal.

"How about you get in and I'll sit on the edge. We don't need my freakish fish feature taking up all the space," Harry tries to joke but at the word 'freakish' Louis gets an angry look on his face.

"There's nothing freakish about it. It's who you are. It's no different then when I sparkle - which is way more embarrassing," Louis notes and Harry frowns at that.

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