33. Do you trust me?

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Louis giggles as Harry kisses his tummy and his hands dance along his sides, tickling the sensitive skin. They rest in Harry's room waiting for the others to return. Henry and Bria left to tell the others of their success and with the magic contract signed Harry knows nothing can stop them from entering the land.

"I can finally meet your mother," Louis says suddenly and Harry lifts his head and rests his chin on Louis' tummy so he can look up at him.

"I guess so. I think she'll like you," Harry whispers. Louis grabs his hand and pulls him up and Harry just follows until his tall body covers all of Louis.

"Can you promise me something?" Louis asks softly and Harry gives him a half smile and tilts his head.

"Depends on what it is," he answers back and Louis looks into his eyes and Harry doesn't know how he can fall deeper in love with him but he does just then.

"Promise me you won't fight with anyone unless you have to. Don't start a fight just because everyone else will," Louis says, his voice containing a slight fear Harry wishes he didn't have.

"Who says there will be fights?" Harry says, hoping to give him so optimism but Louis shakes his head.

"There will be but don't get into them. I don't want you taken away or hurt. Only fight to defend," Louis states again and Harry nods, leaning down to kiss his cheek.

"I can promise you that, Sparkles," Harry swears and Louis holds up his hand, his pinky out. Harry looks at it and Louis let's out a cute laugh.

"You hook your pinky with mine. It's a pinky promise. Almost as powerful as your fancy contract," Louis teases and Harry smiles as he hooks his pinky with his and he can feel Louis give his finger a small squeeze.

"And what happens if I break this? Do I fall into certain death as well?" Harry jokes back and Louis shakes his head.

"Nope, I'll just break up with you," he says seriously and Harry raises his brow.

"I think I'd rather death," he admits and Louis giggles as he leans up and kisses his lips.

"Do you promise to love me forever?" Louis asks now and Harry tilts his head, his hand coming up to trace down Louis' cheek and across his lips.

"I do," Harry whispers and Louis looks at his face, his eyes seeming to lock in every feature.

"Will you marry me?" Louis whispers and Harry can feel his heart pick up into overdrive and he swallows loudly.

"In the future or right now?" Harry asks and Louis smiles his crinkly eyed smile and his hands come up and cup Harry's face and squish his cheeks.

"Future, you goober. We're still young," Louis giggles and sparkles dance in the air.

"So? I'd marry you now if that's what you wanted," Harry let's the truth slip passed his lips without thinking and Louis' eyes go wide.

"You would?" He asks in surprise and Harry blushes, Louis' hands still on his cheeks.

"What's the difference of now or a few years? If you wanted marriage I'd go buy a ring," Harry confirms and he's not prepared for the kiss Louis plants on his lips. His hands hold his face and the kiss is strong and urgent. Harry leans closer so Louis can kiss him deeper and it's like the boy can't get him close enough. Harry breaks away to catch his breath in surprise and Louis kisses down his jaw and to his neck.

"All this because of marriage talk?" Harry chuckles and he can feel Louis smiles against his skin and the boy looks back up at him as his hands move to tug on his shirt.

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