5. Oh bother!

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Harry lies awake in his bed, the darkness filling his room. He's used to the dark of the ocean, but it's eerie in an empty room. He tries to sleep, but his mind is running wild and he can't seem to stop thinking about how his mother is back home. Is she doing alright? Does she miss him? He wishes for the millionth time that she could be here.

"Harry," a voice hums and he doesn't remember closing his eyes, but he needs to open them. He expects his room to be dark, but there's a faint light that glows and his mothers face lies on the ceiling.

"Mother?" Harry questions and she smiles and nods. Harry goes to move and she quickly shakes her head and gestures for him to stay put.

"Stay still. This spell won't last long and anything can ruin it. How are you up there?" She asks in her motherly tone and Harry yawns.

"I'm alright. The people here are awful, but I'm managing. How're you?" He asks in a gruff, sleepy voice. She gives him a soft look and her smile doesn't leave her face.

"I'm good. I just wanted to make sure you were okay. I'm sending you something and it should be there when you wake. Sleep, my little fish," she urges. Harry's eyes droop as she says that and he can't even bring himself to ask her how she's getting something to him before he falls asleep.


Harry wakes up to the bright sunlight and his mind is groggy. He doesn't remember anything from last night. He can picture the blackness of his room and then nothing. He yawns loud and yanks the blankets off his almost naked body.

The air is warm and he stretches his arms over his head, groaning as he goes. His eyes move around his empty room and stop on a small book. He slowly moves towards it and gently picks it up. It's just a plain brown, leather book and he opens it up to see note written inside.

To help you up there. Don't cause too much trouble, but cause enough.
-love mother

Harry frowns and flips it open. Inside the book lie hundreds of spells and potions. His eyes widen as he reads spells to make people disappear and how to change them into animals. He laughs at the spell to make someone pee their pants and reads it over and over until he has it memorized.

How did his mother get this to him? He shakes his head in amusement as he closes the book and runs a finger along the top of it. He can finally be like her. She trusts him with her starter book and he's so excited to cause disruptions up in this perfect land.

He gently puts the book back down and checks the clock they gave him when he moved in. The time reads 10:27 and he groans loud when he realizes he slept in and needs to be ready in an hour for his lunch. At least he'll get to Louis again...

He shakes that thought from his head and instead walks to the washroom. He doesn't know what his feelings are. He's only ever been with his mother so being around other people is confusing. He feels comfort when he thinks of Michelle and he smiles and gets a funny feeling in his belly when he thinks of Louis. He wants to spit and scream when he thinks of Brooke and everyone else is one big question mark.

The human world is bizarre to him still and as he showers he wonders if Ariel sometimes misses the sea. Harry does for sure and he doesn't think anything will make him stay on land forever.

He turns off the warm stream of water after he's finished scrubbing his body with soap. It smells nice and it makes foam and bubbles appear when he rubs it in his hair and across his body. It's crazy, but it's probably his favourite thing about the land world.

He dries off and walks back into his room naked. He finds clothes in his closest that the people have left for him. He shimmies into pants and pulls on a shirt with a hood. He expected them to dress formal up here, but so far there's no such thing.

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