11. Ladies do not start fights, but they can finish them

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Harry walks into his history class and is greeted with Michelle's new hair. It's buzzed short almost like Liam's and her usual baggy clothes and no makeup make her look like a boy. Harry just walks over slowly and slides in next to her.

"Your hair is gone," he tells her blankly and she looks over at him with a harsh expression.

"And what of it?" She snaps and Harry jumps back and looks at her with big eyes.

"I was just trying to start a conversation. Sorry for talking," he answers. She sighs and her fingers move to touch the sides.

"I like it. My mother had a fit when she saw me this morning," Michelle explains and Harry examines her again. She very much looks like a boy now, but he won't tell her that.

"If you like it, it's cool. Could be a new trend," Harry tries to cheer her up and she snorts and looks back down at her notebook.

"Unlikely. When the others see this they'll just have fun teasing me," Michelle whispers. Harry frowns at her defeated tone and shakes his head. He won't let the others make fun of her for being herself.

This is one of the few classes where he thinks they just threw everyone in. Soon enough Zayn and all his friends pile in, last floating in is Louis and Harry smiles at the sight of him.

"Whoa new hair, Michelle?" Zayn snickers. Harry can feel himself getting protective just from the look on Zayn's face.

"Aw Man-chelle, still trying to be a boy?" Brooke laughs and Harry can see Michelle looking crushed and it angers him.

"I don't know, I think you're the manliest looking one in this room. At least Michelle has a chest," Harry retorts. Brooke's face goes red and Niall throws his head back to laugh.

"Don't talk to me, freak. At least I know who my parents are," she spits and Harry just shrugs.

"Right because being the daughter of the weakest princess is really something to be proud of. Are you going to change everything about yourself to find a man too?" Harry smirks and another girl moves forward, her blonde hair just reaching her shoulders.

"At least people like us. Your only friend is the he-she freak and they only hang out with you because no one wants to be seen with either of you," the blonde says in an overly dramatic voice.

"Ouch that really hurt," Harry mocks. "Especially because I totally know who you are and you're so relevant to me," he laughs. Her mouth falls open and Zayn again steps forward.

"Just leave him be. Soon he'll be gone and we won't have to deal with him anymore," Zayn grumbles and Harry leans forward and places his chin on his hand.

"Oh but, Zaynie, you'll miss our little fights. It makes your life somewhat interesting," Harry grins and Zayn rolls his eyes and moves to sit across the room. He slaps his books down and gestures for everyone to follow. Louis bites his lip and Harry hopes the boy will sit over with him but he just sighs and flies to sit next to Niall.

"Thank you," Michelle whispers to him, her voice small. Harry moves his eyes from Louis and onto her. He can see the hurt and sadness in her face and he just wants to make her feel better.

"Don't worry about it. I'm sure you would do the same for me," Harry shrugs and she just laughs and gently sniffles.

"If I can ever find my voice around them. It's hard to stand up to them when you still care about them. I used to braid Brooke's hair and me and Zayn were the hide-and-seek champions. It's just hard," she murmurs. Harry just pats her shoulder and it's so awkward that laughter bubbles from her lips.

"I'm sorry," Harry tells her and she continues to laugh and shakes away from him.

"God you're so awkward. That made me more uncomfortable than anything," she continues to chuckle and Harry just gives her a dirty look and looks up front.

"Fine don't take my sympathy. Where is the teacher for this class anyways?" He asks. It's like the teacher would hear him because a minute later the teacher runs in, books piled in their arms.

"Sorry I'm late! Ready to learn?!" He cheers enthusiastically and Harry just groans and buries his head in his arms.


They sit in his room for lunch and Michelle has herself sprawled across his floor. She's wearing one of his shirts because she says she wants baggier clothing and Harry had no problem giving her one.

"So why do they tease you? Is it because of the short hair?" Harry asks gently. She looks up and her face looks conflicted.

"They just don't like things that don't fit their idea of normal," Michelle explains and Harry frowns.

"So your short hair?"

"So my everything. I'm just not normal. I'm not... I'm not okay," she admits. Harry frowns and looks more at her.

"What does that even mean? Are you sick?" He asks. He really doesn't understand and she just keeps looking down at her hands.

"I think so. I don't know. I'm not ready to just lose another friend so can we drop it?" She asks. She finally looks up and her brown eyes are begging for Harry to just let the subject fall. He sighs and slowly nods his head.

"Sure. So what do you want to talk about?"

"I don't know. Still in love with Louis?" She asks and Harry can feel himself frown.

"I don't know. He just seems to care about his friends more than anything. That's fine but his friends are mean so it's really not fine," Harry explains and Michelle hums as she stabs at her food on her plate.

"Don't take it personally. It's scary to leave that group. Look what happened to me," she snorts and Harry frowns.

"If they're real friends they wouldn't do that," Harry tells her in frustration and she snorts again as she shoves more food into her mouth.

"Welcome to the land of fairytales where if you don't fit their ideals you're shunned and no one is really all that good," she grumbles.

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