18. Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious

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Harry leans back on the grass as Michael draws the ocean view. The two have spent the day together just relaxing and enjoying time away from everyone. Harry's hair blows in the breeze and Michael scrunches his forehead and sticks out his tongue as he tries to get something in his drawing right.

"Weird question but do you know where I can buy odd things without seeming suspicious?" Harry asks and Michael slowly looks over to him, his face showing confusion.

"Uh maybe? How odd are the things?" He asks and Harry shrugs casually.

"Not too odd. Just need like a snakes tongue," Harry tells him in a nonchalant way and Michael just looks away slowly.

"Right. Not odd at all... You can probably go down to the black market. The fairies and everyone sells some weird things," Michael tells him. Harry sits up straighter at the idea and he grins widely.

"Okay let's go," he encourage and Michael huffs as he erases something.

"I'm kind of busy. Why do you even need that?" Michael sighs and Harry just looks away from him.

"For reasons. Can't you finish that later?" Harry whines and the other boy just drops his pencil and scowls at his friend.

"I can finish it later if you tell me what it's for," he bargains and Harry just groans dramatically and throws himself fully on his back.

"Can't you just trust me? Isn't that what friends do?" Harry whines and Michael just shakes his head and picks up his pencil again.

"Can't you just trust me enough to tell me?" Michael replies and Harry glares at the side of his head.

"If I tell you I have to kill you," Harry says seriously and Michael just looks over at him and smirks.

"Deal. Tell me and then try and kill me," Michael agrees. Harry freezes at his words and Michael just raises his brows in anticipation.

"I'm not telling you," Harry mutters and the other boy snorts.

"Of course not and I'm not going with you," Michael tells him quickly and Harry flops back down again. Why is Michael always difficult?

"I need it to create a potion. That's all you're getting from me. Can we go?" Harry asks in annoyance and the boy looks up at him again.

"A potion? What kind of potion?" He asks and Harry is ready to pull his hair out.

"A love potion!" Harry lies in exasperation and Michael just looks backs down again.

"You don't need that. I'll pass."

"It's for my memory okay? Just help me get this so I can get my memories back," Harry sighs. Michael flicks his eyes up again and slowly closes his book.

"Okay. Let's go," he instructs. Harry jumps to his feet quickly and happily trails behind him. He prays they'll have something at this market that will be of use to him.

"Why didn't you tell me it was for your memory?" Michael asks and Harry sighs as he starts to walk beside him.

"Louis got worried when I told him about it and I didn't need you to cry over me too," Harry again lies and Michael laughs loudly.

"One: I'll never cry over you. Two: I'm not Louis and I won't freak out. Rebellion can be fun."

Harry just looks at him from the side of his eyes and slowly nods his head. Sometimes he wonders what Michael's reaction would be to the truth.

The walk to town doesn't seem far to Harry anymore and he's surprised when they enter. People walk all about and he notices how most give Michael a dirty look. He returns each one to each person and watches as Michael ducks his head in shame. Harry hates seeing this everyday.

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