34. I want my freedom

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"He's not here. Maybe we were wrong," Bria hisses. The group is hiding in the shadows by the pool in the woods. Music is playing and the other children laugh around them.

"He'll come. He can't resist," Henry murmurs and Harry fidgets next to him. He wonders if maybe Louis did go to his room and he's there wondering why it's empty. Maybe he should've trusted him.

As those thoughts form a small figure enters into the party and Harry clenches his jaw. Louis looks timid and shy as his "friends" turn to look at him and Harry is ready to pounce at any second.

"You actually came!" Liam says and there's an underlying of mocking in his voice. Louis looks down at his feet and coughs awkwardly. Harry notes that the music has been turned off.

"You all invited me so yeah," Louis replies softly and Harry wants to run out and pull him away from their mean eyes. He's mad at him though. He knew he'd come here but he held on to hope that Louis would prove him wrong.

"We did but we didn't expect you to show your face. Most traitors like to hide away," Liam sneers and Louis looks up at him, his adorable face twisted in confusion.

"Traitor? How am I a traitor?" He asks and Brooke snorts as she moves forward. She tosses her long auburn hair over her shoulder and her green eyes burn into Louis' with hatred.

"Your stupid boyfriend almost killed our parents and you're telling me you didn't know about that?" She questions and Louis freezes.

"He wasn't going to kill them," Louis defends him and Brooke rolls her eyes.

"He's evil. He was going to kill them and you just sat around and let him. I know it's rare for someone to give you attention but my god you fell into his trap. Once this is over he'll leave you and then what? We don't want you," she spits and Harry almost moves but Henry's hand grips his arm.

"You don't even know him! He's not going to leave me," Louis says and his voice holds confidence. Despite everything he's confident in Harry's love.

"You're pathetic. Always have been. You betrayed us for some guy and you expect us to be okay with that?" Brooke keeps attacking him with her words and the others all watch with smirks.

"We're hurt, Louis. Weren't we your friends?" Zayn now jumps in and Harry bites his tongue. He can feel the tension building.

"I thought you were," Louis replies back. "But honestly you're the worst people in this land. You're all horrible, mean people. You're villains - just like our parents."

Harry can't even comprehend what happens next. One minute Louis is saying words and the next Liam's fist hits him in the face and he's on the ground. The hand on Harry's arm is gone and Harry is out in the clearing within seconds.

He tackles Liam to the ground and his fist comes out and punches him square in the nose. He can feel the crunch of the cartridge as it breaks and blood gushes from the wound. Liam is strong though and he fights back, managing to flip Harry over after he lands another punch to his face. Harry can't feel how hard Liam punches him from his adrenaline but his eye goes blurry from where his fist hit it.

"Hey," Henry's voice comes through and then Liam is off Harry and thrown to the ground. Henry moves quick and kicks him in the face, spitting on him in the process. "That's for my father," he tells him and then Liam grabs his feet and pulls him down.

Harry barely has gotten up when he feels someone kick him in the back. He stumbles and turns around only to then get punched in the face by Zayn.

"I've been wanting to do that," Zayn grins as Harry groans. Harry lifts his eyes to see the boy smiling and his anger peaks as he punches him in the jaw and watches as the boy hits the ground unconscious. He kicks him in the stomach for good measure and then looks around. The area has basically cleared out except for certain people. Michael is attending to Louis and Bria is standing with Niall in shock.

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