23. When I look at you, I can feel it. I look at you and I'm home

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Harry got home late that night after he made sure that Henry wouldn't actually die and that Bria could get him home safe. He fell asleep as soon as he was on his bed and now he's up and showered and ready for school.

A yawn leaves his lips as he slowly shuffles down the hall to the staircase. He wishes he didn't have to go out but he wants to see Louis and in order to do that he has to leave his room.

He makes it out into the cloudy day and he's thankful the sun isn't shining bright. He's too tired for the cheery atmosphere of a sunny day and he wants to curl up and nap and have Louis with him.

He makes it to the court yard and finally grins when he spots the small boy talking to Niall. His back is turned to Harry and Niall spots him but Harry places his finger to his lips. Niall just smiles and looks back down at Louis quickly and replies to whatever the boy is saying. Harry just smiles as he creeps up behind him and then leaps forward and wraps his arms around him and twirls him.

"Good morning," Harry laughs lightly in his ear and at the sound of his voice Louis bursts into sparkles and Niall laughs as the land all around.

"Harry!" Louis exclaims. He wiggles his way out of his arms and turns around to look at his face. His smile is so wide it hides his eyes and he appears softer than when Harry left him.

"I'll talk to you later, Lou. Let you two have some time," Niall smiles at the two and Harry looks over at him.

"Thanks," he says and Niall just shrugs with a small grin and walks away. He's the one of Louis' friends Harry can actually tolerate.

"Pay attention to me. You left me. Did it work? Can you remember? Are you okay?" Louis asks all the questions and Harry smiles at his voice and leans forward and captures his lips. Louis leans into him and his arms move around his neck as glitter doesn't stop dancing around them.

"I'm okay. I missed you though. Missed you a lot," Harry hums in between kisses. Louis smiles as he kisses him again and then he pulls away slightly, his one arm moving so his hand can play in his hair.

"Can you remember? Is it bad?" Louis whispers. Harry just holds him tighter and he feels his stomach knot at the words he's about to say. He could lose Louis forever but he can't keep lying to him. It isn't fair.

"I need to talk to you after school. Just me and you. Can we do that?" Harry asks and Louis frowns and Harry can feel his heart beating fast in his chest.

"It's bad," the boy mumbles and Harry shakes his head.

"Not bad. Just different. Trust me, Sparkles," Harry pleads and Louis nods his head, his blue eyes clear.

"I trust you. Meet here after school?" Louis asks and Harry nods.

"Here after school," he repeats and he leans in for one more kiss before he has to leave.


Michael has a spot saved for him in their nature class and Harry sits down next to him and sighs. He places his head on his arms and wishes today would end.

"How did everything go?" Michael whispers and Harry turns his head to peek at him.

"He's alive. I'll let you know next time we all meet. Bria wants you to come," Harry informs him and Michael smiles bright and Harry just shakes his head fondly before closing his eyes again to sleep.

"Are you telling Louis?" Michael whispers and Harry nods, his eyes still closed.

"After school. If I end up at your room it's because I'm sad and you can't be mean," Harry tells him and Michael sticks out his pinky.

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