20. Off with his head!

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Louis is first in his room as they creep in just before the sun rise. Harry knows this is goodbye for a few days while he runs off to be evil and wicked. Louis seems to know it too and the small boy shuffles on his feet, a yawn leaving his pink lips.

"So when you come back your memories will be back," Louis says and Harry nods and scratches the back of his neck.

"Hopefully. Crazy, huh?" Harry says and Louis frowns and he looks up to meet his eyes.

"Can't I come with you? Just to make sure you're okay? What if something goes wrong and you're all alone?" Louis asks and Harry shakes his head and reaches out to gently grab Louis' fingers.

"I need to do this alone but I'll be back soon and then we can figure everything out together," Harry promises. He means all his words too. If his poison and antidote work then he'll make sure that he can get the best of everything. He'll free his mother and he'll keep Louis. The only way he can even have a chance at doing that though is being honest. He's not sure he's ready for that.

"Okay. I'll see you soon then," Louis says sadly. Harry nods and Louis just floats up and plants an innocent kiss to his cheek. "Come back to me please," he whispers and Harry nods.

"I'll always come back to you," Harry promises again. Louis just nods and then he flies out the window and leaves Harry with his thoughts. Out of everything he thought he'd encounter up here he never once thought it'd be an ache in his heart from missing someone when they're not around. That's how he feels. Louis just left and he already misses him.

Harry just sighs as he moves to his closet and he pulls out a small bag they left for him. He slips Louis' magic pixie dust inside and then moves to the washroom and places his vials and the extra ingredients in. Next goes his spell book and then clothes for the days. He slowly moves back to his washroom and stops when he sees a shell necklace on the counter. The whole thing is covered in small shells and he moves forward and gently touches it. It's still wet with water and he notices a small note underneath.

'I miss you everyday. You will know what you have to do when the time comes. -Mother'

Harry just swallows his tears and he doesn't understand. He wanted to do this. He told her he would do this and yet he's not sure. He could kill Brooke probably but will that solve anything anymore? He didn't understand the real world before and now he does and he's learned that the people here don't care.

He slowly picks the necklace off the counter and hooks it around his neck. It sits perfectly and he smiles at his reflection in the mirror. He's Harry and he's a mermaid. He's made to live in the ocean and soon he can go back. He can let his tail out and swim and have no worries. That's what he wants. He wants to go back to no worries and he wants to take Louis with him.


"There you are, fishy, I was wondering if you'd even show up," Bria's voice says as soon as he walks into the clearing. The morning sun is just starting to rise and he rolls his eyes as he shoulders passed her.

"I was getting everything ready and saying goodbye to someone," Harry grumbles. She places her hand on her hip and gives him a blank stare.

"Right. Can't leave Prince Charming without a kiss," she mocks and Harry just turns to her and his eyes show his annoyance.

"Can you stop being so judgemental and rude for like 5 minutes? Just shut up," he seethes and he watches as the colour drains from her face and she quickly shrinks down.


"Whatever. Where's the person? I hope it's not you because I'd let you die," he spits and she looks hurt but shakes her head, her dark hair falling around her face.

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