8. Be our guest

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"Hello, everyone!" A woman cheers at the front of the class. Harry groans and slams his head down onto his arms that rest on his table. He had to stop studying his spell book to come to actual classes today.

First up; etiquette class.

"Now some of you are new here and some are familiar faces," she continues in her overly peppy voice. Harry wants to cut out her tongue so no one ever has to hear her speak again. "I'll be putting you into groups and we'll be discussing table manners today! First group is Dana, Marcus, Brooke and Julien!" She calls. Harry watches as three people stand and move to Brooke's table. He scowls in her general direction and then puts his head back down. Is it too late for him to just jump back in the ocean?

"Second group is Niall, Liam, Zayn and... Harry! You boys be nice to the new boy," she giggles. Harry's head snaps up at the sound of his name and the other three boys are smirking at him. They pile to sit next to him at his empty table and he can feel himself getting angry at their presence.

"Good to see you join class," Liam smiles at him and Harry just looks away and pretends to not hear him.

"You can thank my mom for this," Zayn throws in and Harry moves his eyes over to the pretty boy and raises his brows.

"I'll be sure to thank her for throwing me in a class with a bunch of spoiled brats as soon as I see her next," Harry tells him in a faux preppy voice. The three look taken aback but his snarky remark and Zayn rolls his eyes.

"For being a no one you think you'd be more humble," Zayn says to him.

"For being a prince you think you'd be more charming," Harry quips back and Niall snorts at the comment.

"Think he's funny Niall?" Liam is quick to defend and his chest puffs out. Harry laughs at the act and looks Niall in the face.

"So we got the brawn and the beauty, so I'm guessing you're the brains?" He questions cheekily. Niall just shrinks under his gaze and Harry smirks triumphantly.

"How are you boys doing? Showing Harry how it's done I hope," the teacher comes over. Harry can't remember her name, but he assumes she's irrelevant because she's a teacher.

"Of course," Niall grins up at her. "We were all sharing polite table conversation," he adds in. She smiles at him and nods her head approvingly. Harry just shakes his head as she walks away and leans back more in his chair.

"What is polite table conversation, blondie? Enlighten me," Harry asks and Niall looks over at him and his blue eyes look like ice.

"Uh, well it's upcoming events, school related topics, sometimes gossip. Nothing crude or that can start a fight," he answers softly and Harry just nods his head.

"Okay, so like I wouldn't be able to turn to Zayn and ask 'why does it seem like Liam's head is up your butt?'" Harry smirks and Zayn just smirks back.

"Exactly. And I couldn't retort with 'why is your head so far up Louis'?'"he shoots back. Harry instantly goes red at the mention of Louis' name and Zayn's eyes glint knowing he won that one.

"Yeah exactly. Let's not bring that up. Also use 'please' and 'thank you' and always ask to be excused," Niall finishes. Harry just hums and nods his head, but doesn't make any comment at Niall. The boy is evidently nervous in his presence.

"Any other advice?" Harry asks the group.

"Chew with your mouth closed," Liam tells him and Harry gives him a blank look.

"Thanks. Wouldn't have guessed that, genius," Harry replies sarcastically. Niall smirks at that comment from him as well and Harry decides he can probably grow to like the boy.

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