7. You've got a friend in me

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Harry is almost asleep and his room is dark and he's warm and then there's a tap. A small tap and he thinks maybe he's hearing things. He looks at his clock and the bright numbers tell him it's 1:34am and he knows everyone here is asleep.

Then the tap happens again and again. He looks at the window in his bedroom and he sees nothing there, but then there's another tap. He furrows his brow and he gets out of bed and whines when the cold air hits his bare chest. Is Michelle messing with him?

He gets to the window and opens it up and sees no one around. He looks down at the ground and spots no one anywhere. He wonders if maybe he's going crazy from being up here too long and closes his window and gets back into his bed. Not even a minute later there's another tap and he groans as he gets back out of bed and goes to the window.

"Whoever is doing that stop it," Harry whisper yells out into the night. There's a giggle and then dust sprinkles from above. He swiftly looks up and sees Louis' happy face smiling down at him. The boy is hovering just above his window, upside down and he lowers himself so he's face to face with Harry.

"I wanted to see you," Louis tells him. His face is so close to Harry's Harry can feel Louis' breath and his lips practically touch his own. He can't really speak for some reason, his throat feels dry and his mind jumbled. "Do you want me to go?" Louis pouts when Harry doesn't answer.

"What? No. You can come in. Shouldn't you be asleep?" Harry asks as he moves from the window. Louis just glides in and sits himself down on Harry's bed. Harry is watching him closely and Louis is bursting with sparkles and smiles and giggles.

"I couldn't sleep and I thought we should have a sleepover then," Louis explains and Harry just gives him a confused look and scratches his head.

"Sleepover?" He questions and Louis giggles into his small hands at Harry's question and Harry shouldn't find that so endearing.

"It's what friends do. You go to the other persons room and you stay the night and talk," Louis tells him. Harry nods his head, his eyes feeling heavy from exhaustion.

"Alright. Well can we do this another time? I'm actually tired," Harry tells him and he watches as Louis' glitter halo leaves and his shoulders slump. Harry instantly wants to change that like he always does when he doesn't see Louis literally bursting with joy. He wants the boy to sparkle every time he's around. "Or you can stay. We can talk until I fall asleep? Is that okay?" Harry corrects himself.

"If you want to sleep I can come back another time. I shouldn't have showed up uninvited anyways. That was really rude of me. I'm sorry," Louis tells him seriously. He starts to get up and Harry moves to block his window without thinking. He doesn't understand why he wants this boy to be happy all the time or why he likes when he's around.

"No stay. You're here now and I don't mind having you as company. This will be my first sleepover too," Harry tells him softly. Louis smiles small at that, but Harry wants to see him be happier than a small smile.

"I'll be really sad if you leave, Sparkles," Harry admits and he can feel his heart leap as Louis starts to glow again. Harry wonders if he can control that and decides he'll ask him another time.

He moves from the window and walks over to the bed. His sheets and blanket are covered in little sparkling dusts and he laughs as he wipes it off onto his floor and sits down next to Louis. Louis is blushing and looking down at his hands.

"Sorry for getting it everywhere. I'm working on that," he admits and Harry shrugs carelessly.

"It doesn't bother me," he tells him honestly and Louis now looks up at him through his lashes and why does Harry now feel like he's going to die? Is that normal?

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