28. You will be alright. There, there.

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"I'm thinking we can wear all black," Louis tells Harry as they walk to the yard. The morning is chilly and Louis is bundled in one of Harry's sweaters and the sleeve hangs down to cover their hands.

"Isn't black really morbid?" Harry asks and Louis just scoffs and rolls his eyes.

"No. It'd look hot and no one else will be doing it so we'll stand out," Louis tells him. Harry just hums in agreement because he knows that's better and gets in line to get his breakfast.

"Pixie. Fish," Michael greets them and Harry scrunches his nose.

"Don't call me that in public. It'll bring questions," Harry mutters.

"Plus he's a frog," Louis chimes in and Michael looks at Harry and bursts into laughter.

"He does look like a frog. Our little frogger," Michael laughs and Louis erupts into giggles as Harry throws his hands up in annoyance.

"You're both bullies," Harry says loudly.

"Aw someone hurt your lil feelings," Liam's baby voice comes from behind them and Harry turns to see him snickering.

"I really don't have the patience for you today," Harry says and Liam gasps and places his hand on his heart.

"What will I do without your insults to keep me going?" Liam asks in fake panic and Harry levels him with a blank stare.

"Hopefully shrivel up and die," he says as he turns without giving him a second glance.

"That was harsh," Liam laughs and Harry can't believe he's laughing. He turns around again and gives him a confused look.

"Why're you laughing?" Harry asks and Liam now gives him a confused look.

"Not like you're serious. It was funny. I would've laughed if you said it to someone else too," he defends himself. Harry refrains from telling him that he was actually 100% serious and instead shrugs it off.

"At least you can laugh at yourself," he mumbles and Louis just smiles at his friend.

"Where's everyone else? You're usually the last to arrive here," Louis notes. Liam seems to quickly warm up when Louis talks to him and his smile turns from mean and sinister to warm and friendly in a flash. He completely transforms when he talks to someone he likes.

"My parents are taking me out today so I'm just grabbing some food before we go," Liam tells him excitedly. "I haven't really seen dad in almost three months so I can't wait."

Harry turns away from the conversation and grabs his eggs and bacon while Louis and Liam continue to talk. How has he not seen his father in three months? They live in the same place. Harry wonders if maybe the parents actually spent time with their children they all wouldn't be so bitter and mean all the time.

"What's going on in that curly head of yours?" Michael asks and Harry just looks down at him as they walk to their table.

"How many times a year do you see your parents? And not for an event or special dinner," Harry clarifies and Michael frowns and really thinks about the answer.

"Just to see them? Maybe once or twice a year," he answers and Harry gapes at the response. "Honestly, it sucks but it is what it is. Most of our parents didn't have great parents growing up so they don't know what it's like to actually be a parent. Plus they're busy," Michael shrugs it off but Harry can sense an underlying sadness.

"Shouldn't them not having parents make them want to be better than that?" Harry questions and Michael again shrugs as he eats a piece of bacon.

"Ask them. I don't have answers and at this point I don't care," Michael ends the discussion with that. Harry just frowns and doesn't even look up when he feels Louis slide in next to him.

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