Chapter 30: My Choice *Finale?*

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Chapter 30: My Choice Part 3

"Now you're dropping yourself." Chris chuckled as I fell into his arms. It's crazy how he's there to help me a lot.

"And you're picking me up. Nice catch by the way." No wonder he was co-captain of the basketball team.

He helped me up and walked me to the chair I was aiming to sit on.

"So where's Tessa?" I asked, taking a paper rose and sniffing it. They actually sprayed perfume on it, fancy.

"Over here Klutz-erella." Tessa walked up from behind me, taking the seat across from me. Why was she standing like a creeper in the back instead of attached at Chris's hip?

"Tessa..."He muttered, stuffing his hands into his pockets.

"You can just walk away. I know you don't want this awkward conversation. At least I know I don't." She replied, rolling her eyes.

He just bit his bottom lip, nodding his head. "See ya Lilly." He waved before he took off to join some of his teammates.

"Explain." I demanded Tessa, giving her sad face all my attention.

"If it wasn't obvious, we broke up." She sighed, looking at the empty space where he once stood.

After a while of silence, I knew that I had to ask. "Why? You guys were inseparable."

"He wants to go to Texas and I wanted to go to New York. When I told him that I was willing to follow him to Texas, he dumped me." She finally looked at me. "He said he didn't want to be the reason why I gave up on my dreams. Did he forget that I make my own decisions? Even if they're mistakes, they're my mistakes."

I didn't know what to say. I believed that Tessa would follow him to the moon without a space suit if he did the same. She fell for him so fast and now her mind was left blind. She couldn't see that what they had might not be forever, but Chris did.

I didn't know if he didn't want to bring a girlfriend to college or if he didn't want her compromising her future for him. Either way, he had to end things. At least he gave her time to heal.

"I'm sorry, I know how much you liked him." Reaching over the table, I patted her hand.

"I love him, Lilly." I could see a tear run down her cheek. "And when you love someone, you're ready to do anything to be with them because some things just don't add up to love."

"But what about New York? Why should you sacrifice what's owed to you?"

"Because you're going to realize that some stuff you thought you needed were just superfluous. I can do web design anywhere but what if there's no one I want there? What if there's no one better than him?" She sighed again, dropping her head on the table.

She had a point. Everyone was telling me not to let Chad take the last of my high school events away from me when they didn't mean much to me. Old Lilly was the one who got butterflies in her stomach when dances came near, which seemed like every month, but now she didn't care. I used to loath being out in public, and now I was supposed to care about dresses and school events just because someone said it was important?

Chad was what was important to me, not a stupid dance. Hunter had a girlfriend, so I could have easily backed out. Why didn't I? Tessa got it; she knew what she wanted to do. Why did I find out so late?

I needed to call Chad and he needed to pick up.

"Lilly?" I jumped when Max whispered my name in my ear. He sounded freaked out.

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