Chapter 21: LA Story

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Chapter 21: LA Story

Saturday (Next Day)

I felt satisfied when I woke up, so Chad got to keep his head for another day. If only he was here for me to tell him. I woke up to an empty bed and I was a little relieved. I could get ready without worrying about him seeing me undress.

After taking a refreshing bath, I tightly curled my hair with the wand Anna taught me to use. She would've killed me if I sent her pictures of me looking a hot mess. I ended up covering the top with a red strap-back cap because I was too scared to try to curl the roots. I wasn't very handy with a curling wand.

Pairing my Miami Heat jersey with my black shorts, I slipped on my red and black high-top Jordans. It felt good actually taking time to put together an outfit; I really missed not shrugging carelessly when I looked in the mirror. Taking my phone from my bag, I called Chad to find out where he was.


"Hey, where are you?" I asked, putting the strap of my bag over my shoulder.

"I'm just coming from my jog; I'll be up in a minute."

Jog? He jogs? For fun?!

No one could pay me enough to wake up just to run around for fun, there was nothing fun about running. I wasn't overweight and I didn't have bad joints, I just hated exercising. If they turned it into a game like volleyball or something, I would've done it. I used to be on the volleyball team during my sophomore year but soon learned that just because you're on the team doesn't necessarily mean you're good at the sport. On the bright side, it helped me lose ten pounds.

Checking the time on my phone, I saw that it was noon. Oh gosh, my sleeping schedule was way beyond busted. As I waited for Chad to come, I made the bed. I was insanely bored!

I even took a selfie and sent it to Anna, captioning it, 'woke up late like a rockstar'.

"What's up sleepy head?" I heard him chuckle when he walked in. Took him long enough!

Did he jog back to Florida and back because he was sweating bullets. It seemed more like a sprint than a light run.

Oh my gosh, the man runs for fun!

"You need to show me the town but first, take a shower." I replied as I dodged his hug. He was not going to touch me while he was drenched in his own sweat.

"Okay, give me thirty minutes." As if to punish me from diverting his hug, he took his tank off in front of me. His chest was glistening like he sweated pure oil and I found myself staring.

I turned to my phone, pretending like I was checking my text messages when in reality; I was just switching between homes screens. I needed to stop gawking at the man like a boy crazed school girl.


He totally ruined my thought of my look. He wore a white button down collared shirt with small black polka-dotted crosses and cuffed sleeves. Loose tan skinny jeans hung a little below his waist and he stepped out in classic low top Vans. As if he wasn't looking cool enough, he pushed his blond highlighted brunette hair to the side. He got ready that fast when it took me an hour just to look half as good?

He sucked.

"You clean up nice." I complimented as I slipped on my black Wayfarer shades.

"Just trying to match up to you."

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