Chapter 29: Ms. Gaines

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Chapter 29: Ms. Gaines

"Thank goodness you're here. I had to hold this door open for people I didn't even know were in our class." Tessa sighed, gesturing for me to walk through the doorway.

"I wish you were with me when I was trying to open my locker." I scoffed, crutching into the classroom.

"I'm not psychic woman, just be glad I was here worried sick that you might have been trampled by the freshmen. They're a lethal specie."

"I just hope this new teacher doesn't chew me up."

"Well this teacher is a she, so you don't have to worry about her falling in love with you. Well, unless she goes that way but I doubt she does."

I turned around to see a blonde writing something on the board. From the makeup work Max brought me, I knew that they were now studying Edgar Allen Poe, one of the darkest authors they'll let you talk about in public school.

Tessa helped me to my seat and even pulled the chair out for me. I was thankful for her help, but hated feeling like a charity case. I was supposed to be the new independent Lilly, not the version that couldn't even walk much. I got rid of that Lilly right before I was potty-trained.

Taking in a deep sigh, I lifted my head to see a familiar pair of red cat eye glasses that I never wanted to see again.


She was the new teacher? I didn't even know she taught. It was hard for me to believe she even learned anything. Ever since our incident at the hospital, I never thought I would even have to see her again.

Wait a minute! What if she was dating the teacher and was just helping out?

It was a stretch but it was also easier to believe than her actually being an educator.

"Welcome back Lilith. I got your work from Max this morning so I'll have it graded by Wednesday." She said, turning back to the board.

Aw crap, she was a teacher. Why mine?! Out of all the possible candidates, why was she picked? I would even take Mr. Graham to be my teacher and he was seventy and senile.

"Um, Ms. Gaines?" I heard Tessa say. I turned around to see her hand raised the highest it could.

"Yes Tessa?"

"We all call her Lilly, that's what she likes to go as."

"Well good for her. Do you have a problem being called Lilith?" Ms. Gaines asked, raising her right brow like her attitude was pushing it up.

"No, I rather you call me Lilith." I answered, staring her in the eyes.

I didn't want to have a problem with her and hopefully the feeling was mutual.

"Since that's over with, why don't we begin class. Who read The Raven during the weekend like I told you guys to?" Turning from the board, Ms. Gaines went to her desk and opened her Teacher Edition textbook. "Did it give anyone the chills?"

"How can something I barely understand scare me?" A student said out.

"That's why we're going to read and analyze it as a class. Get to page four hundred six everyone."

The worse part of her being my teacher was that she was actually a good one! I wanted her to fail and give me another reason not to like her. But no! She had to be an awesome one and make learning aggravating.

She wasn't better than Chad of course, but she actually made sure everyone understood the material before she moved on. What was up with that? Couldn't she just give us pages to read and play on her phone for the rest of the period? Why not take a nap like Mr. Graham? At least that way I would've been able to get her replaced.

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