Chapter 7: Family Reunion

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Chapter 7: Family Reunion

He was drunk, beer cans lying on the floor and I've just locked my closest access to freedom.


I was trapped. By the time I would get my keys out, he would already have his hands around my throat, ready to do whatever he wanted to me. I know I had to fight, but how?

"I see you've been drinking." I said as I slowly reached for the keys in my pocket. Maybe talking to him would hide the fact that I'm trying to get out of here. It was a silly plan but he was drunk and I was desperate for an escape. I had a spare key to his car so I could make a quick get away and come back in the morning when he's sober. There's an empty parking lot that I could park in near by. It's better to sleep in the car than here while he's drunk.

"Nah duh, Sherlock Holmes." he laughed. Standing up from the couch, he stumbled a little from the apparent wet floor. "Don't worry, I didn't drink all these beers. I mostly emptied them out on the ground trying to keep myself from drinking but then," He laughed again, "what the heck! I'm suspended from the team anyway. I needed a drink."

He's suspended from the basketball team? But why? What trouble did he get himself into this time?

"Why did coach suspend his star player?" I asked, trying to sound concern as I backed away closer to the door. I could feel my hands on the cool knob of the door. I just needed to unlock the bottom and top locks.

"They frown upon beating up one of the starters." He grabbed an open beer can from the coffee table and took a few gulps.

"Did you tell him what he tried to do to me?" I asked, unlocking the bottom lock. John is the one who nearly took something I hold dear to my heart and he deserved to be punished.

It was unfair that he was the one getting penalized. That freak needed to go to jail while Max just needed help. His blue eyes had that shine in it again, they way they always glowed when he was ready to throw a punch at me.

"Yeah. He said it was obviously a cover for you cheating on me with him."

"That's disgusting!" I would never in my life sleep with John Gate. That boy is a walking sleaze ball.

The top lock unlocked with a loud click and his eyes widened. He knew what I was doing now.

Quickly, I turned around and opened the door. Before I could take a step out, he pulled me back in by the waist. I knew this would have never worked but I had to try, I had to be able to say I fought.

"I've always known you wanted to leave me." He threw me over his shoulders and closed the door. Smashing his back with my fist, I began to scream for help as if anyone would hear me. Chris's family never heard me before, so why would they now? Giving up all hope, I halted my screams and stopped punching his back.

He stomped down the stairs to his basement/room and I was surprised he could carry me while being as drunk as he was. He could barely get up from the chair moments ago. It was like hitting him gave him some kind of rush of adrenaline that calmed his every movement.

"Max, please let me go." I whimpered. The tears were coming, I could feel them pushing through the dams I called eyelids. I'm afraid that they're to weak to keep them back. I hated crying, it was the ultimate source of weakness to me which is why I found myself to be opulent in it.

"So you can leave me forever?" He pulled opened the door and threw me in. My head bounced on the floor and I could feel a throbbing pain pulsating on the side I fell on.

"I'm not letting you get away." He locked the door behind him and then turned to face me.

"Max," I pleaded, "you don't want to do this. I love you!"

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