Chapter 11 : New Comings and Early Goings

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*I made this chapter extra long since you had an extra wait. Sorry, I've been having internet problems. -Rose

Chapter 11: New Comings and Early Goings

The past two weeks have been moderately okay compared to the rest of this year. It would have been better if I didn't visit my grandmother. I loved seeing her and talking to her but each time I came, her condition was worse. Thankfully, I didn't run into my parents during any of those visits. The doctors said she has around three months to live so I won't stop visiting her just because I'm scared one day she won't be there. She's always been there for me and I needed to repay the favor.

Homecoming was quickly approaching, reminding me of the promise to wear a dress and walk into the soon to be decorated gym with a boy I'm not even remotely interested in. Yay!

Of course I was being sarcastic. I detested the idea of getting dressed up once again just to find out a new way that Anna would torture me. Her suspension ended yesterday so her attendance today was definite. Maybe she's banned from Homecoming! Fingers crossed for a yes.

During her ten school days of absence, my days did not go as easy as I thought it would. Her goons made it their life's purpose to make mine a living nightmare every single day from whispering foul names as they passed my way to pushing me down on the floor when no witnesses were present. I guess it was the price of having Anna as an enemy.

I decided that volunteering at the library with Max was not a good idea since I was pretty sure the only reason I agreed to do so was so I could spend more time with him. I had more than enough hours but maybe I needed more with him. Never again! I was done falling for his traps, no matter how charming they were. The best way to get over Max was to stay away from him which I have done well until now.

He managed to corner me in the school's parking lot when I was heading to the school from Damian's car. Unfortunately, Damian had to leave soon after dropping me off since his mother was in labor, ready to give birth to his sister. I'm happy for him and his family but now I didn't have a shield from Max.

"Get out of my way Max." I muttered, trying to walk around him.

"One minute, I just need one." He looked pretty serious and his crystal blue eyes made it so hard to say no.

"Sixty seconds." I crossed my arms.

"I know all the things that suck in your life are because of me and I'm willing to do anything to fix it. I'm getting back together with Anna to make sure she doesn't hurt you anymore."

"Oh, so you sleeping with her cause me no pain at all?" That had to be the stupidest idea ever. He was using me as a reason to be with her guilt free.

"I'm not going to sleep with her. I'm still recovering from the last time I did."

"Oh my gosh, did she give you a STD?" I raised my eyebrows in surprise. That's what they both get for sleeping around so casually. Karma was finally on my side for once.

"Can you keep that quiet okay? It's nothing permanent but things like that can really destroy someone's rep."

"I wouldn't know since mine is in shambles because of your future girlfriend."

"That's why I'm going to be with her. As long as she's with me, you're invincible. I just wanted you to know first."

He was doing it again, being with someone for the wrong reason. No matter how much I hated Anna with the core of heart, she was human, at least partly, and I couldn't live with myself knowing I'm the reason for somebody's pain even if that somebody is Anna.

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