Chapter 17: Don't Let Me Go

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[Author's Note: There are some text messages coming up so I bolded them and labeled them so you would know who texted what and also placed what certain acronyms stand for so you don't have to search them up. Please mind the grammar errors in the text messages because I'm trying to make them as authentic as possible. I missed 'g's and certain vowels on purpose in the text messages. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy yourself!]

Chapter 17: Don't Let Me Go

Having a job was taking a bigger toll than I thought it would and I was in no way making enough to get a car. It sucked being the only immobile person since everyone I knew had a set of wheels. Today I got my first paycheck and it barely made it to the triple digits. I was better off saving up for a scooter or something.

Maybe texting Chad would lighten up my mood.

Me: Just came hme from work n thought of u. WYD*?

[*WYD: What You Doing?]

It took him no time at all to reply.

Chad: Tripping out. My car gave up on me again. HBU*?

[*HBU: How About You?]

I laughed underneath my breath. Sometimes it was hard to think of him as a teacher when he was so cool. I probably looked like a fool as I smiled at my phone in the living room.

Me: Tired from work n wishin I hd a car. Did u get ur ride checkd out?

Chad: Yeah. Had to pay for a new battery. This junk bucket is costing more money than it's worth

Me: Hopefully I dnt get a car like urs lol

Chad: Me too. So...

Me: So... What?

What was he trying to tell me? Was he already bored of me?

Chad: I found this nice diner an hour away. We should check it out tomorrow

OMG! He was asking me out on a date, well kind of. This was the first time we would go out with each other and that was the way he was going to ask me? That was not going to cut it. He could have at least put it in question form. As an English teacher, I was sure it wasn't hard for him to do.

Me: I wonder who I should bring... Maybe if the right guy asked me...

Chad: Lol

Chad: Would you want to go out with me tomorrow?

Me: Well duh lmbo*

[*LMBO: Laughing My Butt Off]

"Ooh, who are you texting?" Carla questioned, stepping next to where I sat while she was still dressed in her medical scrubs.

"No one." I quickly turned the screen to my phone off. Even though Chad's number was saved under the name 'Special', I still didn't want her in my business.

"Yeah right. You were practically drooling. I just hope it's not that Max dude." She took a seat next to me after grabbing the remote from the coffee table.

"Why do you care anyways? That Max dude's family owns this house and pays the bills that you don't." I snapped.

She didn't know Max at all so she had no right to judge him. I was still a bit attached to him and felt like I needed to defend him. Was that wrong?

"Calm down cuzzo. I just came home from working on a guy who had mad flatulence problems. I don't need your attitude in my day." She scoffed, beginning her channel surfing.

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