#3 We're in this together (Kendall)

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before you read this I have to say this is really sad, but it's cute.


Your P.O.V.

'You fat cow!' I hear someone scream to me. 'You're so pathetic!' I was sitting on a bench at school, crying. A few people surrounded me. 'You're an ugly fatty' I buried my face in my hands. 'Crying that's the only thing you're actually good at', stop was the only thing I toughed to myself 'Crybaby!' stop. 'Crybaby!' STOP. 'Crybaby!' suddenly it stopped, but I was still afraid to look if they were really gone. '[y/n]?' I hear a familiar voice say, my face was still in my hands because I don't want to face him. I felt two hands grab my wrists and pull my hands away from my face I tried to keep them on my face but he is too strong instead I just turn away from him with my eyes closed tightly. '[y/n], look at me.' He says softly, he cupped my cheek and turned my face to him. 'Look at me.' He whispered, I kept my eyes shut. 'Please.' I slowly opened my eyes. 'Don't let them get to you.' He says quietly. 'I can't' I say sobbing. 'Why?' his voice got louder. 'Because, they're right, Kendall.' I look down again. 'No they're not!' he almost shouts. 'You're beautiful, [y/n].' his voice softened. 'Don't say that.' I looked him right in the eyes. 'Why not? Because THEY say you're not? Well let ME tell you something [y/n], they're so wrong and do you know why?' I shook my head no. 'Because they're jerks and they act like jerks because they're jealous, they're jelly because you are gorgeous, smart and everything they're not.' A small smile appeared on my face. 'You can't let them get to you, okay?' I nod.

Kendall's P.O.V.

I heard people shout 'Crybaby, crybaby, crybaby!' They were standing around the bench my best friend always sat so I ran to it, but the cowards ran away. It was indeed [y/n] sitting there, her hands covering her face, crying. I tried my best to comfort her by saying she's beautiful. I meant every word. I can't stand to see her like that, it hurts, she means everything to me. I was so glad I could put a smile on her face. 'You can't let them get to you, okay?' I asked just to reassure her and she nodded. I was worried about her, [y/n] and I have been friends since kindergarten, I know her better than anyone. She has been bullied a lot, and this last year it only got worse, I try to help her in every way possible because I don't want her to do stupid things, because I really care about her. I was afraid she was getting depressed so every time she smiled, every time I made her smile, I felt relieved. 'Class is going to start again, you think you're gonna be okay?' 'Yeah, I think so, thanks.' She hugged me. 'You don't have to thank me you know, that's what friends are for.' We parted 'Yeah but still, thanks' she smiled again.

Your P.O.V.

I was so glad Kendall was here. He could always make me feel better. 'Hey, do you want to come over after school.' I asked him. 'Yeah sure, but I got to pick up Katie from school first and bring her home.' 'Okay, I'll see you after that then.' 'Yeah, okay, gotta run, bye.' He quickly hugged me 'Bye.' And we both went to class.

*At home*

Kendall could be here any minute, so I'm waiting in my room. Suddenly my phone buzzes, I look at the screen who it is but it's anonymous. 'Hello?' 'You're a filthy pig' 'Who is this?' tears welled up in my eyes. 'You're a pathetic little bitch' a few tears started to roll down my cheeks. 'Why do you do this to me?' I asked even though I was almost sure I wouldn't get an answer. 'Boo-hoo, isn't gayboy Kendall there to comfort you, crybaby?' 'Leave Kendall out of this! He is not gay! Leave me alone!' I screamed and finally hung up. Tears were streaming down my face. I've had enough! I took a piece of paper and quickly wrote something on it even though nobody would care. I ran out of my apartment, I kept running up the stairs until I reached the rooftop.

Kendall's P.O.V.

I finally arrived at [y/n]'s. I rang the doorbell but there was no answer so I pushed the button again still no answer, I knew her parents wouldn't be home yet but [y/n] knew I was coming over so this wasn't normal. I let out a sigh of relieve when someone came out of the building cause that way I could sneak in. I ran up the stairs as fast as I could. The door was still unlocked. I scanned the living room but no-one was there so I ran to her room, but the only thing I found was a note that said 'I can't take this anymore, I'm done!' There were tears on it. I checked the bathroom, no-one. The only place I could still think of was the roof so I run up there. There she stood at the edge of the building's rooftop, ready to jump. This hurts so much, tears were filling my eyes. '[y/n]!' I shouted to her 'Go away!' 'Don't!' 'Leave me alone!' 'No, it's not worth it!' I got closer and closer to her 'Leave!' I stood next to her and grabbed her hand 'You agreed you wouldn't let them get to you.' I said knowing exactly what this was about. 'They called me.' She said sobbing. 'Who was it?' 'I don't know, every time I asked something he didn't answer, he said things like filthy pig, pathetic bitch and' she paused. 'And what?' 'Something about you.' 'What did they have to say about me?' 'They...they said your gay.' 'Well let them, I don't care.' I said sternly 'But I do, this need to stop and there's only one way for that.' She tried to let go of my hand but I wouldn't let her. 'No, we can try to work this out together.' I tried to convince her not to jump. 'No, Kendall this is the only solution, please let go of my hand, let go of me.' 'No, when you jump I'm going with you.' 'No, you can't do that, you have to let me go!' she shouted at me crying. 'I can't.' tears filled my eyes. 'Why not? It'll be better for everyone.' 'It won't be for me, because I love you.' There I finally said it after all those years. 'No, you can't do that not to you and not to me, I'm not worth it.' 'Yes you are, I love you because you're beautiful, smart, funny, sweet, loving, caring, I could go on for days like this. You're everything I could ever wish for. If you jump right now, I would too because I would have nothing left to live for, I'm not letting you go.' My voice cracked and there I stood waiting for her to say or do something. She looked all the way down, my heart pounded so hard so I tried something else to convince her 'I don't know why you always get so insecure, I wish you could see what I see when you're looking in the mirror and why won't you believe me when I say that to me you get more beautiful every day, when you're looking at the magazines and thinking that you'll never measure up, you're wrong, cause you're my cover covergirl I think you're a superstar yeah you are why don't you know yeah you're so pretty that it hurts it's what's underneath your skin the beauty that shines within you're the only one that rocks my world my covergirl.' She looked up again so I stopped singing then turned herself at me holding me really tight, she putted her head on my chest and my shirt became wet from all her tears. I wrapped my arms around her and rested my chin on her head and let out a sigh of relieve. 'Please don't scare me like that ever again.' I said. 'I won't' her sweet voice replied. 'Promise?' 'I promise' We stood there for a little while. 'How about we go back inside?' I felt her head nod against my chest, we parted and I grabbed her hand. As we were back inside we sat down the couch. I wrapped my arm around her shoulders and she laid down on my side. 'Kendall?' 'Yeah?' 'Could you finish the song, please.' 'you walk in rain boots on a perfect summer day somehow you always see the dark side when everything's okay and you wear baggy clothes that camouflage you're shape but you know that I love you just the way you're made, when you're looking at the magazines and thinking that you're just not good enough, you're so wrong baby, cause you're cover covergirl I think you're a superstar yeah you are why don't you know yeah you're so pretty that it hurts it's what's underneath your skin the beauty that shines within you're the only one that rocks my world, you've got a heart of gold, a perfect original wish you would stop being so hard on yourself for a while and when I see that face I'd try a thousand ways I would do anything to make you smile, cause you're cover covergirl I think you're a superstar yeah you are why don't you know yeah you're so pretty that it hurts it's what's underneath your skin the beauty that shines within you're the only one that rocks my world, my covergirl.' I sang she sat up straight, grabbed my hand and looked me right in the eyes. 'I know you don't like it when I say this but thank you, you saved my life, you save me.' 'You're my best friend I couldn't let you go.' 'About what you said up there.' I heard the hesitation in her voice. 'I meant every single word, I've been trying to find the guts to tell you that for years.' Suddenly I felt her lips pressed against mine her hand cupped my cheek and my hands rested on her waist. This felt better than I ever could have imagined. 'We're in this together, right?' she asked me our hands still in the same position. 'Absolutely.' We quickly kissed once more before laying ourselves down on the couch, my arms around her tightly, never wanting to let her go.


I don't really like the end.

I hope you liked it though and realized jumping is never the answer there's always someone who cares. I know exactly how my character feels cause I've been in the same position but I would never jump cause I'm afraid of height xD. YOU ARE NOT INVISIBLE.

keep dancing 'till tomorrow like nobody's around


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