#43 Surprise! (Kendall for Maxime.)

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"Will you be my girlfriend?" Kendall asks. I hesitate. He takes my hand in his and looks me right in the eyes. "Please."


"Please give me a chance." He kisses my hand. "Just one. I promise to treat you right and to love you dearly. So please, Maxime, will you be my girlfriend?" He looks at me with hope in his eyes. I nod slowly.

"Yes." A smile grows on his face. He cups my cheek and softly presses his lips on mine.

"Thank you." He leans his forehead against mine and I look into his beautiful green orbs.

~End of flashback~

I was awoken by the sound of my phone ringing. I look at the clock. 3am. Oh God, this person better have a good reason to wake me up. I look at the caller-ID. Ken <3. I click answer and put the phone to my ear. "Hello?" I mumble.

"Hey darling, I can't sleep. Do you wanna come over."

"To do what?"

"Well you know." He says in a seducive voice.

"No Kendall. I'm sleeping."

"But you're talking." He says confused.

"I'm sleeping, so let me sleep." I end the call. I might have been a little rude, but hey it's 3 in the morning what did you expect? Soon enough I"m back asleep. About half an hour later I hear the door open and close. What? I flick on the light on my nightstand. "Kendall, what the heck are you doing here?" He comes closer and gets in the bed.

"Well since you didn't want to come to me, I came to you."

"Aww, that's so sweet." I peck his lips. "Now let's sleep." I turn off the light and close my eyes.

"I was actually thinking we could do something else." He slips a hand underneath my shirt and kissese my neck. I sigh.

"If we do this now, will you let me sleep?" He nods. I take off his shirt and pull him in for a kiss.


"Ken?" He hums. "Shouldn't we be getting up?"

"No." He whines, putting his arms around me tighter. I giggle.

"But Ken."

"No, no, no, not 'but Ken'." He mocks. "Your gonna lay here and enjoy some time with your boyfriend."

"Oh so now you wanna sleep?" He playfully rolls his eyes. I lay my head on his bare chest, close my eyes and listen to his steady heartbeating. Slowly I feel myself drift to sleep again.


I slowly open my eyes and stretch for as good as I can since Kendall's arms are still around me. I glance over at the clock on my nightstand and see that it's already past 12. "Ken." I whisper. "Kendall." I whisper again. "Kendall Francis Schmidt." I say louder.

"Huh? What?" I giggle.

"Get up you lazy turd. It's already past noon."

"Why?" He whines.

"Cause we can't stay in bed all day."

"Why not? I have a day off of work, you have a day off of work, let's enjoy it."

"Yeah, let's. But not in bed."

"Why not? I know a lot of great things we can do in here." He does this weird eyebrow movement.

"Like what?" I bite my lip.

"Well you would know." He comes closer to me. "We did it last night." He whispers in my ear, sending shivers down my spine.

"Yeah, but we're not gonna do that right now."

"Aww." He pouts.

"And stop pouting, you look way too adorable doing it."

"That's the point." I playfully roll my eyes. I get up from the bed and put on his shirt and some underwear. "Great and what am I supposed to wair now?"

"Maybe you can wair one of my dresses." I wink. He shakes his head, chuckling. He gets out of the bed and puts on some underwear and his pants. We go downstairs and prepare ourselfs some breakfast, well lunch. Suddenly the doorbell rings.

"Were you expecting anyone?" I shake my head and go see who's at the door.

"Harry?" I ask in disbelieve, not expecting to see him here.

"Surprise." He smiles.

"I-I thought you moved back to Holmes chapel." I stutter.

'I came back...for you."


"Who's at the door baby girl?" Kendall asks comming into view.

"But clearly you moved on." He looks at Kendall.

"It's been a year Harry, you practically forced me too."

"So you're just gonna leave me for him?"

"Leave you?" Is he being serious?

"We never officially broke up."

"You left me a year ago. God know's how long you were gonna take to come back. You expect me to just pick up where we left off? I can't do that Harry. I'm with Kendall now." I rest my hand on the small of Kendall's back and he puts his arm around my shoulder. "I'm sorry."

"Yeah, me too." He turns around and gets into his car.

"Come on let's go back inside before you catch a cold." I say while closing the door. We make our way to the living room.

"Well that was weird."

"Yeah." I still have to process everything that just happened.

"I know how to get your mind off of this."

"How?" Instead of answering me he crashes his lips on mine and I of course gladly kiss him back.


Sorry I made you choose Kendall but I just DON'T do 1D imagines NEVER GONNA HAPPEN!!

Don't you agree that this imagine is InZayn? I think you should stop being indeNail and just admit you ARE a Rusher =P I should stop before I get myself into a Harry situation. Where is Liam you may ask? Well he is not in this authors note. Forgot one you say? I DON'T CARE. I have my own direction and they have their One Dire... I really should stop now xD

Maxime, I hope you liked it <3 I love you with all my heart <3 you're the best <3

check out the multimedia =P

Feel amazing, be epic, stay Rusher <3

-JonasRush <3

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