#47 I hope I'm not too late. (Kendall for Michele)

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"Hey Mimi." Kevin says as he sees me standing at the door.

"Hi." I respond as I step inside and give him a hug.

"Kendall is in his room." He informs me.

"Thanks Kev." I smile before taking the stairs. I knock on Kendall's door.

"Come in." I hear him say from the inside and I enter.

"Hey." I say soflty. He looks up at me, barely smiling and then focuses back on his phone. "What'cha doing?" I ask stepping closer to him and sitting down on the bed.

"Just tweeting some fans." He's acting so weird. So distant. I let out a sigh, he doesn't even bother to look up.

"Okay Kendall, spill it!" He gives me a confused look. "What's wrong with you today? We're the energetic, overjoyed Kendall I know?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Look if this is about last night, we can t-."

"This isn't about last night, okay!" He cuts me off, rudely. What has gotten into him? Kendall has never yelled at me before. Tears sprong into my eyes. "Mimi." He sighs defeated. I look away. "Mimi, I'm sorry for yelling at you. I didn't mean to." I shake my head, getting up from the bed and leave his room. "Michele!" He runs after me. "Michele wait!" I slightly turn around, keeping my head low not wanting to face him.

"No Kendall, just." I let out the breath I was holding in. "No." I get into my car and drive to the park nearby. I walk around the park for a little while then sit down on a bench.

~Flashback to last night~

"Kendall, I-." Without a warning he pushes his lips on mine.

"I'm so sorry." He immidiately appologizes. "That shouldn't have happened."

"No, um, we're just friends, right?"

"Best friends." He slightly smiles. "Let's just never talk about this again."

"Agreed." A hint of dissapointment hidden in my voice.

~End of flashback.~

 I go back home and decide to text everyone about my plans for tomorrow. Everyone except Kendall.

~The next day/Kendall's P.O.V. ~

I stumble down the stairs and see Kevin on the couch playing Mario Kart. I barely slept at all. Michele and I never fought. She's my best friend. My best friend who I might be hopelessly in love with. Yes...hopelessly, because I know she doesn't feel the same way. "Aren't you supposed to be at Michele's?" Kevin asks looking at me weirdly.

"I don't know. Why?" What is he talking about? Is this about the fight we had yesterday?

"Didn't you get her text?"

"What text?" He takes his phone from the coffeetable, unlocks it and tosses it to me.

Mimi: Hey, just wanted to that I got a job offer in New York. I've been thinking about this a lot and I've decided to go. I'm leaving tomorrow at 1. I'll miss you. Hope to see you again soon

Love Mimi <3

I run to the front door. "Where are you going?" I hear Kevin yell after me.

"To the airport!"

"Kendall, you're not wairing a shirt." I look down to see a shirtless body. I look back up and run up the stairs, going straight to my room. I pull on some clothes and storm out the door, getting into my car and driving to the airport. I hope I'm not too late. When I arrive at the airport I run straight to security. Her back is facing me, her blond hair hanging losely over it. She's about to give her passport to the lady behind the desk.

"Michele, wait!" I yell before she can hand over the papers. She turns around and looks straight into my green eyes.

"Kendall, what are doing here?" She whisper-yells as I reach her.

"This." I lean down and press her lips on mine. Fortunately she kisses me back. She looks quite shocked as I pull away. "I don't want you to go." I take her hands in mine.

"Sorry Kendall,but I can't go back now."

"I'll go with you."


"Because I can't live without you." I sigh. "I love you, Michele."

"You what?"

"I'm sorry I haven't told you this before but I love you and I'll do anything to be with you."

"You can't leave L.A. Kendall. What about the band? What about your fans?" My head hung low in defeat knowing she doesn't love me back and that she is trying to find an excuse to not get me to go with her. She was right though, I can't leave. They need me here. But all I wanna do is be with her. "I love you too." She whispers softly. My head shoots up, my face full of disbelieve. Did I hear that right? She smiles slightly, which makes me smile too.

Flight 111 to New York boarding now.

"I gotta go." I nod sadly. I lean in to kiss her one last time and then she leave, only looking back for a brief second to wave at me, a gorgeous smile plastered upon her soft, pink lips.

~2 years later/Michele's P.O.V.~

I'm back in L.A. to give Kendall a surprise visit. We tried to keep in contact and have a long distance relationship but the last few months were really busy for the both of us and we haven't talked a lot. I stand in front of his house and ring the doorbell. A girl opens the door. "Hi, can I help you."

"Hey, I'm Michele and -."

"Michele, I've heard so much about you. Kendall can't stop talking about you." I feel my cheeks heat up. "I'm Carlie." She sticks her hand out for me to shake and I do. "I'm his-." I cut her off not wanting to hear this.

"You know what? I'll just come back some other time."

"You sure? Cause he's in his room. If you want to I can-."

"No that's okay." I turn around and step back into my car, trying really hard not to cry. I drive back home and sit on the couch letting the tears flow. How could he do this to me? Suddenly I hear the doorbell ring, so I wipe my tears away. I stand up and open the door. In front of me stood Kendall with a single red rose.

"Hey." He says softly.

"Hey." I answer, not knowing what else to say.

"This is for you." He hands me the flower.


"Gosh, I'm so happy to see you again." Unexpectedly he wraps his arms around me.

"Sure you are." I say pushing him away.

"What's wrong?"

"I went to your house earlier. Some girl opened the door."

"Carlie?" I nod. "That's Kevin's girlfriend."

"Kevin's...girlfriend?" I choke out, not believing that I was so stupid to believe Kendall would cheat on me. Now he's the one nodding.

"I love you and only you." He holds both of my hands. I can't help but smile. He leans down and kisses me sweetly.

"I love you too."



Mimi, I hope it was worth the wait ;) <3

Laugh, love, live your life 24/Seven <3

-JonasRush <3

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