#35 First day of school. (James.)

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"Mommy, daddy, wake up! It's time for school!" Our 4-year old daughter screamed, jumping up and down our bed. James and I both groaned.

"Luna, sweetie, it's only 5am." I tried to reason.

"But I wanna go to school." She pouted.

"Come here." I say opening my arms for her. She laid herself down in them. "Just close your eyes for awhile longer and school will be there in no time." She nodded and closed her eyes tightly. I chuckled softly at how adorable she was.

"What's going on?" I hear a sleepy 6-year old boy ask. Nicholas stood in the doorframe rubbing his eyes and holding his teddybear.

"It's nothing, buddy. Your sister is just a little hyper 'bout school." James replied. Nick nodded and crawled into our bed. He wrapped his arms around James as he did the same.


"One Hello Kitty backpack for you." I handed Luna her bag. "And one Superman backpack for you." I smiled handing my son his bookbag. "Now get in the car."

"What do I get?" James says putting his arms around me.

"You? You get nothing." I chuckled. James gave me a weird look.I roll my eyes playfully. I grab his chin and kiss his lips. "Now let's go before we're late." We make sure the kids are buckled up well and drive the school. James carried Luna as Nicholas walks by my hand. We arrived at the school gate and I kneeled down to give Nicholas a hug. James wanted to put Luna down but she refused to.

"What's wrong, honey? Don't you wanna go to school?" She shook her little head. "Why not? You were so excited to go?" She wrapped her arms around his neck. I heard her sniffle and rubbed her back. It broke my heart to see her like this.

"Mommy!" She cried out opening her arms for me. I take her in my arms and try to comfort her. I shoot James a sad and helpless look. "Mommy, I'm scared." She said.

"It's okay, sweetie, everything will be just fine." I kissed her forehead. James had kneeled down to give Nicholas a hug.

"Be good, okay." He ruffled his hair. "And take care of your little sister." Nicholas nodded.

"You're gonna love it there." I tried to convince Luna. She shook her head again. I wiped her tears.

"Sure you will sweetie." James said kissing her cheek.

"But, daddy, I'm gonna be all alone." She complained.

"No, you won't baby. Nicholas will be there and your going to make lots of new friends."

"And-and, I'll miss you." She sniffled.

"We'll miss you too, sweetie." I said, hugging her extra tight. "But you really gotta get to class now, okay?" She nodded. "Okay, now give daddy one last hug." I hand her to James and she hugs him tight. He puts her down and lays his arm on my shoulder. We watch them walk towards the school. James wraps his arms around me, knowing exactly what I feel and what I need. I let a few tears slip. Tears I couldn't let go earlier. Suddenly I feel 4 little arms around my legs. I release James from my grip and wipe my tears away. I turn around and kneel down, putting my arms around them.

"We love you, mommy." They said in sync.

"Please don't cry." Nicholas added.

"I'm fine." I say as I put on a smile. "I love you guys too, very much." I kiss both their cheek. "Have fun. Now hurry, you're gonna be late." Nicholas takes Luna's little hand and they hurry into school. I slowly lift myself. I put my arms around James neck as his rest on my waist.

"You're an amazing mother." He leaned down and kissed my lips.

"And you're an amazing father." I smiled.

"I love you, boo."

"I love you too, James." We shared another kiss.


Idk what it is but I just love it when James call his 'girlfriend' boo, it's so adorable.

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