#16 Carlos kissed me.

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I was the last in line for the meet and greet. Finally after all those years Big Time Rush was doing a world tour and they came to [your hometown]. And here I was waiting for hours to meet my favorite band, even if it was barely a few minutes. I could finally touch them, hug them and by them I kinda mean Carlos, Don't get me wrong, I love Logan, James and Kendall but Carlos he's just so cute and sweet. It was almost my turn and I was getting nervous. My turn. I didn't move, I had the chance to meet BTR and I stood there paralyzed. I was so close. Thank God I was here with me friend, Luna. She pushed me into Carlos' arms and went to Logan. "Hi" Carlos said.

"Hi." I smiled nervously.

"So what's your name?" He asked.


"Fits you, just as beautiful." I blushed.

"So would you guys like a regular picture or a crazy one?" Kendall asked.

"Could we have both?" Luna asked.

"Sure." James said. We took the pictures.

"So, we're in town for a few days and we we're kind of looking from someone to show us around. Are you guys up for that?" Carlos asked. I didn't know how to speak anymore.

"Yeah, totally." Luna answered.

"Just meet us here after the show okay?" Logan asked. "We'll tell the security to let you through." He smiled. So did we. Everyone of us had to leave because the concert was about to start.

"Have fun at the concert." James said.

"We will." Luna answerd. What's wrong with me? Why didn't I talk? Carlos will probably think I'm stupid. Good Job, [y/n]. Mark the sarcasm.

 The concert went great. Carlos picked me as a worldwide-girl. ME! Maybe he doesn't think I'm crazy. He even kissed me on my cheek. Logan picked Luna, pretty sure she forced him into doing that. Anyway, we we're now waiting for the guys to come out. "So why didn't you say anything to Carlos when you had the chance?" Luna asked.

"I spoke to Carlos." I protested.

"Yeah, Hi I'm [y/n], that's not really a conversation [y/n]."

"He told me I'm beautiful." I say looking up at the ceiling as if I was in wonderland. Then the guys arrived.

'Hey girls." Kendall said.

'Hi." Luna and I said both at the same time. We giggle at our similarity. I lock eyes with Carlos and I blush.

"Leggo." Logan says. We went to a room backstage. We exchanged numbers and decided on a place we could meet up tomorrow. We still stayed for a few hours and luckily I found my voice back, Carlos and I really seemed to bound.

*2 days later*

My phone vibrates in my pocket. It's Carlos.

Los: I need to talk to you but not through text. Can we meet up? :)

me: Sure :) You can come to my place if you want to =P

Los: k. I'll be there in a few :)

I quickly went upstairs to look a little better for when Carlos is here. Almost 15 minutes past as the doorbell rang. I smiled and went to open the door. "Hey Carlitos." I say as I open the door.

"Hey [y/n/n]" I give him a hug and mention for him to come inside. We sit down on the couch. "So I have a few questions for you."


'Remember when we first met?"

"How could I not remember, it was the best day of my life and only 2 days ago." Carlos chuckled.

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