#40 ❤ Worldwide. ❤ (little sequel to 'All Over Again.'/Logan for Nat)

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I get out of bed as I hear quiet cries come from the nursery. I walk over there and pick up my 2 weeks old daughter. "Shh, Isabella, you're gonna wake up your brothers and I only have two arms." Logan has been on tour for about 2 months now and I don't know when he is getting home. I kiss Isabella's head. I sit down in the rocking chair and feed her. After she finishes, I change her diaper, kiss her head and put her back to bed. I slack back to bed. Having the twins without Logan is hard, especially the delivery was. The nights would be the same since I have to wake up to breastfeed them. I hope Logan comes home soon though. Slowly I fall asleep, but not for long. Once again I'm hearing cries. This time they weren't Isabella's but Kayden's. I wanted to get up the cries had already stopped. I hear someone whisper. I cautiously get up and go to the nursery. "Logie!" I whisper-shout as I see my husband holding my son. I run to him and wrap my arms around him, carefull not to crush Kayden in my process.

"Hey beautiful." He whispers in my ear. I grab his face and kiss him all over and finally our lips connect. "I'm so sorry I couldn't be here when they were born." He motions to the twins.

"It's okay." I stroke his cheek. "Really, it's okay." I kiss him again. "You're here now, that's all that matters." He smiles.

"I so happy to finally meet them." He looks at Kayden with the brightest smile ever. He puts one arm around me and I burry my face in his neck giving it a soft peck. Quiet baby crying was heard again.

"He's probably hungry." I whisper. I take him from Logan and sit on the chair again. I watch as Logan walks over to Isabella's crib and carefully stroke her cheek, trying his very best not to wake her up. As Kayden finishes I attempt to change his diaper but Logan quickly walks over to me and stops me by wrapping his arms around my waist from behind.

"Let me do it." I nod. He does it with his arms still around me, it was quiet uncomfortable and impossible but we managed to do it. The sight should've been pretty funny. I pick up Kayden and turn around still in Logan's arms. He cups my cheeks and gives me a passionate kiss. "Damn, I missed you." I giggle.

"I missed you too."

"I've been thinking about you worldwide." I smile. He releases me from his grip and I put Kayden to bed. Logan takes my hand and lead me to our bedroom. He closes the door and intertwines our fingers. He pushes me against the door as he presses his lips on mine. I push him towards the bed and we fall onto it.

"I want you so bad." He growls in my ear while he slips his hand underneath my nightdress. I hear the door open and Logan quickly takes his hand back. I lift my head and see Jason standing there rubbing his eye.

"Mommy, the babiesh waked me up and now I can't shleep anymowe." He looks up at us. "Daddy!" He screams and jumps on the bed into Logan's arms.

"Hey buddy." He chuckles.

"I mished youw."

"I missed you big man." They hug each other even tighter. "It's already late Jase, you should go back to bed."

"Will youw wead me a shtowy?"

"Sure." Hand in hand they walk to Jason's room. While I wait I go into the bathroom. I put on something sexy and try to make myself look a little bit better. I lay back down in our bed and cover myself with the blanket. Logan comes back in. He walks over to the bed and lifts the blanket. "Damn baby girl." He jumps in the bed and I giggle. He pulls me to him, closer than ever. He kisses me all over my body and I guess you know what happens next.


dedicate to Nat cause she misses 'All Over Again.' but I'm not making a real sequel so this is all you're gonna get xD

love you guys <3

Stay awesome, stay beautiful, stay Rusher <3


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