#31 I got you, Logan. (For Nat.)

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"I HATE YOU KENDALL FRANCIS SCHMIDT!" I screamed with tears in my eyes. I've never said that to Kendall before, I used to love him so much. We got married 2 years ago after being together for 5 years. But this last months we've done nothing else but fight. I'm getting really tired of it.

"WELL, IF YOU HATE ME SO MUCH, MAYBE WE SHOULD GET A DIVORCE, THAN!" He shouted right back. Is that really what he wants?

"Maybe we should." I say in a lower voice. I grab my purse and my keys and get in my car. Once I'm seated I break down. I rest my hands on the steering wheel and let the tears flow. I heard someone knock on the window. I didn't look up. What if it's Kendall, I don't want to face him right. The door opened and someone sat down in the passenger's seat.

"What happened?" It was Logan. I lean my head back and let out a deep sigh. My fingers go through my hair. I wipe my tears away, not that it helps.

"Kendall and I are getting a divorce."

"What? Why?" He nearly shouted.

"We're not right for each other." 

"Nat, you guys have been together for 7 years." He stated.

"Yeah and I just realized he's a jerk." I burried my face in my hands, letting more tears fall. Logan pulled me close to him. He rubbed my back.

"Come on, let's get out of here." I nodded. We get out of my car, I look up at the house one more time and get into Logan's car. We drive to his place.

One month later Logan and I had gotten closer than ever. We we're sitting on the couch, watching a movie. Suddenly he scoots closer to me and puts his arm around me. I look up at him and laid my head on his shoulder. It felt good. I could feel Logan's eyes on me. I look up at him again. He leaned in and kiss me. I was quiet surprised by his move and didn't kiss him back. "Sorry." He says almost in a whisper. He takes his arm off of me and is about to stand up but I pull him back down. He looks at me with a questionable look. I put my hand on the back of his neck and pull him even closer to me until I'm able to kiss him. Logan smiles into the kiss. That night I didn't spend the night in the guestroom.

The doorbell rang and I went to open the door. "Hi." Kendall said.

"Hey." I simply replied.

"Babe, who's at the door?" Logan asked before coming into view.

"So you're f*cking him right now?!" Kendall snapped, motioning to Logan.

"Kendall!" I shout, trying to reason him. Logan stands even closer to me.

"What are you doing here?" He asked. Kendall sighs.

"I'm here with the divorce papers."

"Come on in." I moved aside. We signed the papers while sharing some glances. We really loved each other but we're not made for each other. Kendall left without another word. I got up from the chair I was sitting in. Logan wrapped his arms around me.

"You okay?" I nodded.

"Yeah, 'cause I got you." We both smiled and he leaned down to kiss me.



Nat, I hope you like it =) eventhough I don't really know you, you (and your opinion xD) mean alot to me aaaand I love you =D

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