#17 When I was your man. (James)

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James' P.O.V.

I was laying in my bed, it felt so empty. Someone was missing. I was listening to the radio. Ed Sheeran's Lego house came on, she loved that song, it became our song, it doesn't feel the same listening to it without her though. Earlier Logan was talking about her and I was nearly crying, The sound of her name brakes my heart. I know I was selfish, I always wanted it my way, I was thinking about my fame and not her. I know my ego and my pride were way too big. I was too dumb to realized I was letting her slip out of my fingers. And now it's too late, it's too late to clean up the mess I made. Eventhough I try and apologize, I know it's too late and it hurts. Now she's with someone else and the only thing I can do is hope she's happy, hope he does treat her right. I hope he gives her flowers, holds her hand, gives her all his hours when he has the chance, takes her to parties because I remember how much she loves to dance. I know I was wrong.


I receive a text from my girlfriend.

[y/n]: Meet me under the tree in 10

James: ok xoxo

The tree is a place we go to to be together. But this text is weird, it's different, no kisses, no smiley's, something must be wrong. I grabbed everything I needed and went outside, to the tree. I saw someone sitting under the tree. Her knees were up to her chest and her head was buried in them. "[y/n]?" I said in a low voice.She slowly lifts her head up, it was dark but I could see her red, puffy eyes. She had been crying but why? "Baby, what's wrong?" I say putting my arms around her. She stares off into the distance. I've never seen her this vulnerable.

"I can't do this anymore, James." She hasn't looked at me once since I got here. She just lets me hold her.

"What do you mean? You can't do what anymore?" I ask, confusion clearly in my voice.

"This." I still had no idea what she was talking about. It stayed quiet for a few minutes. "I can't be with you anymore, James."

"What? No! Why?" I nearly shouted. I wasn't even able of making full sentences. I made her look at me. She took my arms off of her.

"Look, I know things are difficult because you're famous but I feel like you're not even trying. Every time you don't have to work, you don't spend that time with me and when we do we're here under the tree in the dark, this is the only place where you let me hold your hand." She is so calm, me on the other hand, I was boiling inside but I tried to control myself.

"i'm sorry I made you feel that way." I took her hand in mine. "But you know it's not easy to date someone famous and apart from all the filming, recording and concerts, there are other things to it, I need to show my face in public. I don't want people to hate on you." She nods.

"I know all of that and I think it's really sweet you want to protect me from the hate." She brushed the back of her fingers against my cheek. "But James, when is the last time you bought me flowers?" She asked really relaxed. It was quiet. I actually didn't remember when I last bought her flowers or something like that, I'm such an idiot. "Exactly." She whispered. She stood up and started to leave. I can't let her leave, I can't let her walk away. She's mine and if she walks away now, she's not. I quickly took out my iPhone.

"I'm gonna pick up the pieces and build a Lego house..." She stopped in her tracks. I stood up, walked towards her and wrapped my arms around her waist. I brought my lips to her ear.

"Dance with me." I whispered. I released her a bit, took her hand and spun her around. She followed my lead. As the song played we danced underneath the tree, our tree.

"...And of all these things I've done I will love you better now." I leaned in and kissed her. To my surprise she kissed me back. When we parted I saw the tears in her eyes had returned.

"Goodbye James." She whispered. She walked away again, slowly letting go of my hand. Before I knew it she had disappeared, forever. I fell to my knees, my hands in my hair. How did I let this happen?

-End of flashback-

I groaned and stuffed my head in my pillow. I hear a bell. I feel myself becoming numb. My name is called. Twice. Someone removed the pillow. I slightly opened my eyes, but I couldn't open them completely. I felt my eyes roll to the back off my head. The person patted my cheek. "Stay with me, James, stay with me." The person begged. It was a girl. "James." She says still patting my cheek. My eyes open a little more and she stops patting. I'm able to see her.

"[y/n]?" I say in a really low voice.

"Yes, James, it's me." I took a deep breath, feeling slightly better. I saw her smile, God how I missed that smile.

"Why are yo-" I started to say but she cut me off.

"Shh." She caressed my cheek. "You look tired. Get some rest." She wants to get up but I grab her hand before she can.

"Lay with me?" She nods. She lays down next to me and I snuggle up to her. I immediately fall asleep.

A few hours later I woke up again. Our possition barely changed. I could feel her staring at me, that's a good sign, right? I look up at her. "Hi." She says.

"Hi." I smile. I sit up a little. "So why did you come back here?" I ask after a brief silence.

"I missed you." She admits.

"You did?" I ask in disbelieve, she just nods. "I miss you too." She smiles. "What about Nathan?"

"Well, Nathan is a great guy but he's just not..." She didn't want to finish her sentence, but I wanted to know.

"He's just not what?"

"You." I blushed. So did she.

"I'm so sorry, [y/n]." I laid my hand on her cheek, she leaned in to my touch.

"I know you are." She whispered.

"If you give me a second chance I promise everything will be different." She pulls out her iPod and plays Lego house. She lays her head on my chest. We just listened to the song. As it was finished, I lifted her head, leaned in and kissed her softly. She kissed me back. "Please don't walk away this time." She shook her head no and leaned in for another kiss. "I love you." I whispered ever so softly. This was actually the first time I ever said that to her.

"I love you too." She whispered back. I stole one more kiss. I took out my phone and snapped two pictures one of just us and one of me kissing her. I posted them both on Twitter. The caption of the first one said 'She just made me the happiest man on earth.' the second one said 'This is the reason why. #NoH8.'


As you can tell this is based on the song When I was your man by Bruno Mars. A while back I was listening to that song and I though hey this could be good for an imagine xD

I know this imagine is different and sad but I kinda like it. It's the first imagine where the whole story is in a P.O.V. of a BTR-guy =) I like that =P


All my readers are AMAZING <3


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