#9 The perfect view of Kendall (sequel to Twister-time)

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Your P.O.V.

I was in the bathroom. Bend over the toilet. Like every morning these last few days. It felt horrible. I felt horrible. Every morning I would wake up and run to the bathroom. Kendall is the sweetest. He would take care of me. He is a little over-protective though, because once I threw up, I was fine. Whenever Kendall had some free-time from work he would come home, make me something to eat, not that I can't do that myself, but it's sweet.

"I think you should go see a doctor." Kendall said while tucking me in.

"I'm fine Kendall." I assured him. He sat down on the bed next to me.

"Is that why run to the bathroom every morning? Throwing up. Because you're fine?" He asked. He wasn't really mad, just more like sad and concern. I opened my mouth to say something but nothing came out. He sighed. "I'll ask Logan to come home with me after work and let him check you. He always wanted to be a doctor after all." I knew it was no use to protest so I just gave in.

"Okay." I said almost in a whisper. He kissed my forehead and got up.

"I really have to go now. They'll kill me if I'm late. Promise you'll stay in bed for the rest of the day." I hesitated and gave him an annoyed look. "[y/n]." He said my name sternly. I rolled my eyes.

"Fine! Now go!" He smiled, kissed my cheek and left. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

Kendall's P.O.V.

"Logan can I talk to you for a sec?" I asked.

"Sure buddy, what's up?" Logan answered.

"Could you come over after work?" I asked, not yet wanting to tell what's actually going on.

"Uh, I kind of promised Erin she could pick me up after work and do something fun together." He hesitatingly says. [y/n] and Erin have been friends for a long time but Logan and Erin just realized they really like each other. A few days ago to be exact.

"Oh, okay." I said disappointed. I started to walk away but Logan stopped me by placing his hand on my shoulder. I turned back around.

"What's wrong Kendall?" He had a concern look on his face.

"It's [y/n], I think she's sick and she refuses to see a doctor. I'm really worried, Logan. She has been throwing up every day. I just thought you could check her. But I guess you're busy." I explained.

"Kendall, why didn't you say that right away. Erin is [y/n]'s best friend she will understand. Of course I'll check her."

"Thanks dude." I flashed him a light smile and we went back to recording.

Your P.O.V.

It was almost 6pm when I hear the front-door. Kendall. I was laying on the couch, watching some TV, eating something I found in the fridge, something organic. "[y/n], you promised me you would stay in bed today."

"Kendall." I tried to say in the same voice to mock him. "I slept through the whole day." I honestly don't know how I did that. "And when I woke up I was hungry, so I went to the kitchen and grabbed something to eat. And then I was too lazy to go back upstairs so I laid myself down on the couch." I explained.

"Okay." He mumbled. He leaned over the couch and kissed me. "Logan and Erin are here." I sat up straight so I could look over the couch and greet my friends.

"Hey guys." I smiled. They smiled back and sat down next me. Kendall was now in the kitchen, preparing dinner, I think.

"So." Logan started. "Kendall told me you haven't been feeling well."

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